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Would Chris Christie consider being Trump’s VP? “No way in hell — just ask Mike Pence”



Let’s get this out of the way – if Donald Trump is the Republican nominee for president, he will not ask his old frenemy Chris Christie to be his vice president. It’s not going to happen. Yet, that didn’t stop one Newmax show host from asking Christie if he would consider such an offer.

Chris Christie was interviewed by Newmax’s Eric Bolling. The interview was, for the most part, contentious. Bolling is known to be a Trump supporter so when, at times, he went snarky on Christie, it wasn’t a big surprise. For example, Bolling asked Christie why he is running for president. That’s a perfectly legit question to ask but it was the way he framed the question – “Is it to take out Donald Trump or Chris Christie’s sort of fulfilling some sort of, I don’t know, emotional void that you’re looking for?” Emotional void? What? Christie asked if Bolling was a psychiatrist, which was a reasonable reply to such a weirdly worded question about political motivation. Christie responded to Bolling’s recitation of Trump’s polling numbers by reminding him of past presidential races. Those who are in front early on do not always end up the party’s nominee. And he said that Biden has been such a bad president that we need a change. Christie blamed Trump for Biden’s victory.

During a question to Christie of whether or not Trump should show up and debate the other candidates, Bolling interrupted as Christie was saying, yes, Trump owes it to the voters to be on the debate stage with the others, Bolling asked, “Would you be his vice president if he asked you?” “No,” said Christie. Then, as Bolling began to wrap up the interview, Christie elaborated.

The conversation turned to Mike Pence, who Christie defended. Bolling criticized Pence for a response he gave on Ukraine in a recent interview with Tucker Carlson.

Then he expanded: “I spoke to Mike Pence. The job doesn’t sound like it was too great.”

The quip prompted a chuckle from Bolling.

When Bolling later criticized the former vice president, Christie recalled the Jan. 6 insurrection when Trump supporters sought out Pence for not going along with Trump’s scheme to overturn the 2020 election result.

“We shouldn’t have people on Capitol Hill chanting ‘Hang Mike Pence,’” said Christie.

“No question,” Bolling said.

Christie praised Pence’s “service he gave to Donald Trump for four years” before taking another swipe at Trump being “OK” with the threats made to his former veep.

“That’s the kind of president we want, Eric?” he asked.

It was very interesting to see one candidate defending another candidate so aggressively. Christie extended the interview a bit in order to get in his remarks about Pence. He said it wasn’t right to trash Pence, who he referred to as a solid conservative, in the way that Trump has trashed him.

The crazy thing is that I bet if Christie was offered the job, he’d take it. Why do I say that? Because, remember in 2016 after that bare-knuckles primary battle, Christie turned around and worked with Trump to help him win the general election. He helped with debate prep with Trump in 2016 and 2020. He allegedly asked to be Trump’s attorney general but Trump turned him down. It was like what happened with Mitt Romney. Romney received Trump’s endorsement when he ran in 2012. Then he went off the deep end against Trump in 2015 during the primary race. He called Trump all kinds of names. Then, Romney turned around and asked for a job in Trump’s cabinet. Politicians are politicians. I have no reason to think that Christie would say no if he was sincerely asked to join Trump administration, whether as VP or in the cabinet. Your mileage may vary.

Christie and Trump are frenemies. They are pals, then they fight, then they are pals again. They are in a fighting stage now. It will pass. Mark my words. Look at Trump’s recent words about Hillary Clinton. Trump no longer calls her corrupt, that is his word for Biden now. Now he said he is ok with Hillary again. Of course he is. He was friends with the Clintons for years when they were all Democrats in New York. The Clintons attended his wedding to Melania. Ivanka Trump and Chelsea Clinton were best friends.

Chris Christie is concentrating on New Hampshire’s primary. He knows that is his best shot to slow Trump. Yet, Christie is in third place there, according to Real Clear Politics. The latest poll is one by UNH, as of yesterday, and it shows Trump with 37%, DeSantis with 23%, and Christie with 6%. Who is slowing who? Reasonable voters would assume that Christie is running to snag a cabinet position, or maybe that attorney general position he wanted in 2016.

Read the full article here
