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Anonymous IRS Whistleblower’s Brave Opening Statement Revealed – Whistleblowers to Testify TODAY at 1 PM



Two whistleblowers will testify to Congress today at 1 PM ET after revealing that Joe Biden’s Department of Injustice and FBI urged them to end the investigation of Joe and Hunter Biden.

The Gateway Pundit has previously reported that the two courageous truth-tellers are former IRS investigation supervisor Gary Shapley and the anonymous Whistleblower X, a 13 year special agent of the IRS. X will shed his anonymity in public for the first time during the hearing.

The IRS agents were assigned to the federal “investigation” into Hunter Biden’s tax and gun charges.

Fox News has now obtained Whistleblower X’s opening statement.

X will tell Congress he is a whistleblower “compelled to disclose the truth” and to “shed light on “the shadow that looms over our federal legal system.”

Here is the rest. Note the second paragraph could be seen as a warning for America:

I have witnessed the corrosion of ethical standards and the abuse of power that threaten our nation. It is within this context that I have chosen to shed light on these actions and expose those responsible. I recognize that while I was present at the start of this investigation and was closely involved with the investigation for roughly five years — that I am just a part of the story. My aim is to address systemic problems that have allowed misconduct to flourish. It is not a call for blame but a call for accountability and reform.

Transparency is the foundation of our democracy. Without it, people lose their trust in the institutions and the bonds that tie the fabric of our nation start to fray. The American people deserve to know the truth no matter how uncomfortable or inconvenient it may be for either political party.

The IRS agents were assigned to the federal “investigation” into Hunter Biden’s tax and gun charges.

As Jim Hoft reported, the IRS recommended charges against Hunter Biden that included:

Attempt to evade or defeat tax – A FELONY

Fraud or false statements – A FELONY

Willful failure to file returns, supply information or pay tax

Rather than charging Hunter with felonies for evading taxes and providing false statements to the feds, Joe Biden’s corrupt DOJ gave him a sweetheart deal.

Mark Lytle, Shapely’s attorney told Fox News that David Weiss had no power to bring charges against Hunter Biden. Shapely also tried to get the GPS locations to check to see if Hunter and Joe Biden were in fact in the same room after the explosive WhatsApp message threatening the Chinese business associate was uncovered.

Shapely further revealed Hunter Biden demanded payment from his Chinese business associate over WhasApp messenger. He decided to come forward after Weiss declined to look into these facts regarding Hunter and Joe.

Whistleblower X came forward after revealing Weiss was not allowed to make key decisions on Hunter Biden’s case.

Read the full article here
