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Female recruit finds male still in possession of his dangly bits showering with her disturbing



This was bound to happen sooner or later, and to my jaundiced eye it seems much later than I’d anticipated. The revolting situation is almost as I’d envisioned.

An 18-year-old military recruit forced to shower with biological males as part of the Biden administration’s transgender policies is complaining about being placed in an “extremely uncomfortable position.” .

…It was believed raising the matter in a complaint could have harmful impacts on the new recruit’s military career.

The girl who raised the issue was an Army National Guard recruit going through basic.

…Sen. Mike Rounds (R-SD) brought up the story during a hearing last week.

“I’m aware of a situation; it was just brought to my attention — a young woman in the South Dakota National Guard experienced a situation at basic training, where she was sleeping in open bays and showering with biological males who had not had gender reassignment surgery, but were documented as females because they have begun the drug therapy process,” he said.

I’ve seen a lot of snarling online that this couldn’t possibly be true, because you can’t enlist/join unless you’ve “fully transitioned,” but let me correct that record right now. Any swinging you-know-what can claim to be a girl and enlist in the Army. They just have to swear they’d been a girl for a while.

*pinkie swear*

And as desperate as the Army is right at this moment, they’ll be all over your faux-girl butt like Joe Biden on a baby’s back.


Transgender personnel and individuals with gender dysphoria must meet all applicable medical accession standards to gain entry into the Army, the policy reads.

Before the updated Army guidelines, individuals with gender dysphoria were presumptively disqualified unless stable for 36 months and willing and able to serve in their biological sex, Stitt said. Under the new guidance, this duration to meet standards is now 18 months of stability and the person can serve in their self-identified gender.

This gives the Army a bigger applicant pool to consider,” Stitt said.

Applicants must present documents to validate their self-identified gender, such as a birth certificate, U.S. passport, or a certified copy of a court order reflecting one’s self identified gender, the policy states.

If an individual cannot meet a medical criterion, they can request a waiver for evaluation under DOD and Army policies. The standard for approval will be determined individually and must be in the Army’s best interests after a thorough review of the individual’s potential.

Oh, yay. “A bigger applicant pool” of lower level recruits and unstable freaks, who, coincidentally, are going to be weirding, if not outright FREAKING OUT the quality recruits you have managed to snag in spite of yourselves, like, perhaps this young woman.

Where are you going to be then, Army?

Sen Rounds was asking Biden’s nominee for Joint Chiefs Chair – Gen CQ Brown – how he’d handle the situation if he was confirmed.

Of course, the general hemmed and hawed about his service members being “uncomfortable” as if that mattered a lick to him. What a frickin’ weasel answer.

…Brown responded, “Sir, one of the things I’ve thought about in, throughout my career — as you’re being inclusive, you also don’t want to make other individuals uncomfortable. And so there’s a reason as we look at our policies and our approaches and get feedback like this, we have to take a look to see if we can improve on our, how we approach situations like this. And as I’ve done as the service chief has done throughout my career, if confirmed, I will continue to do so,” he said.

The Pentagon piled on with more mushmouthed pablum.

…DoD policy is that all Service members must be treated with dignity and respect. We would encourage any troop who’s feeling uncomfortable or has concerns about privacy in shared spaces to work through their chain of command. Commanders may employ reasonable accommodations to respect the privacy interests of Service members.

“Suck it up, soldier” is that message, loud and clear. The only service members who must be treated with “dignity and respect” are the special head cases they’re allowing to infiltrate the ranks. Woe unto anyone who rocks their boat.

As for Gen Brown (and we are so screwed), I’ll tell you how to approach it and I’m no general officer – I just play one here on HotAir.


Sadly, that schweet young thing was exactly right – she has very few choices once she raises that right hand and is physically in bootcamp. Especially if she truly wanted to be a soldier, and that’s the shame of this whole disgraceful episode. These men have no right to make HER “uncomfortable” – they don’t even belong there. They’re the ones who should be frog-marched out to the boys’ room.

I’ll tell you another thing I’m sure about. I’d lay good money on who would actually complete an enlistment contract between the three of them – the real girl.

First, because she wants to be a soldier – her entire demeanor during this incident tells you that. Second, because the two males in this story hadn’t physically “transitioned” yet. Guess who’s going to get to pay for that if they actually get the courage to whack it all off?

The taxpayer.

Guess who’s going to pay for their therapy and consequent required surgeries, etc for the rest of their lives, even if they wash out after the surgery in, say, two years?

The taxpayer.

Think they might just be in it for the medical? The Family Research Council did a study in 2016 which is almost cute when you look at the dollar amounts we could be talking about in 2023 Bidenomics transitory inflation dollars.

…Family Research Council has now undertaken its own analysis of the potential costs of permitting people who identify as transgender to serve in the military, and has concluded they could total as much as $1.9 to $3.7 billion (not million, as in the RAND study) over the next ten years. This total includes both direct medical costs and the cost of potential lost time of deployable service. (The additional administrative costs of preparing and overseeing individualized care plans for each service member who identifies as transgender, the costs of training the entire force regarding the new policy, and the loss of time associated with that training, have not been included in these estimates.)

For me, thinking as an active duty Marine in a force fighting for its fiscal life, my first thought is “Who carries the freight for these slackers?”

Six years ago, when Trump shut down Obama’s military trans initiative, I wrote a post detailing why I opposed transgenders in the military, and not a damn thing has changed. If anything, my attitude has hardened considerably. They are too much of a volatile drag on a system and personnel already stretched to breaking for a purely voluntary condition. I included this helpful assist from Lady Gaga, who was outraged by Trump’s actions and tweeted without engaging what brain I’m assuming she has.

Screencap Coalition of the Swilling

The military is about the collective, not accommodation. It is about YOU meeting the military’s needs, not the military meeting yours. Service is not a “right,” it is a privilege. Flat feet will keep you out as well, and would require no extensive surgery, no time lost for counselling or drug therapies, nor a lifetime of government funded aftercare, yet the flat foot lobby is ignored. There are no courses designed for “Clinical Care: the Flat Footed”, like the course I’ve included below related to transgender care. The strawmen about “what about blacks/women when THEY weren’t welcome” is precisely that. No surgical intervention required, no counselling, no time lost to the unit because black or female. Even the pregnancy canard falls to the wayside. Once that baby is birthed? Back to work. And no VA care commitment for the rest of the mother’s life. All this for an elective surgery. And it IS “elective,” a CHOICE. There are no gaping fissures, no sucking chest wounds involved, no burst appendix that needs immediate attending to. Choice.

…Someone on another thread said “but it’s only tiny percentage of DoD budget” which worked out to however many tens of millions. I remember having to count actual gallons of fuel going into tactical aircraft at the end of the fiscal year because we ran out of MONEY. Those umpteefrats millions MATTER, believe me. When you have Congress talking about pulling one BAH from MARRIED active duty couples because MONEY, those “penny in the budget” millions MATTER. And I’m sorry. Your “elective” life choice shouldn’t impact readiness or another service person’s life in any negative fashion at all. God knows it’s hard enough now.

Of course there are the few exceptional individuals who can do it. Who aren’t the drag: like someday there will be a female who makes it through the REAL Combat Officer’s Course (not a standards lowered one). But that doesn’t speak to the larger entity, to the collective that HAS to be maintained. And that one-off changes nothing, truthfully. It can’t. You have to carry your load most all the time. And not make anyone else’s heavier because you are needy (You also have to be prepared for unvarnished truth from your fellows if you do slack, and people want their feelings protected these days, deserved or otherwise). Don’t quote SEALs at me who are now “female” and squawk at the president, when she was a HE when all the heroics went down and would never BE a SEAL were she a “she” originally. It’s now just his opinion. He’s no moral authority as a transgender because he did none of it AS a she. Glad you were on the Bin Laden raid, dude. Did you do it in drag and on hormones? No? Then STFU.

You have to have unit cohesiveness or you have nothing. You don’t get it when the women in your unit can’t share a head without worrying some fully intact male will sashay in. You have to have a sense that you can depend on the person to your right and your left. You can’t when that person is constantly on sick quarters because of therapy or treatments, and can’t take his turn in a deployment rotation nobody wants to go on because “Ooo! TRANSITIONING!”

You can’t do it. And you can’t have WOMEN who have to choose between their careers smoked for a hate crime – all the while they’re trapped knowing they can’t get out of an enlistment because “excessive male body part exposure” – or watching “Cassandra’s” bits dangle in the operational communal shower.

You can’t do it.

As they are going to find out.

And i will bet you dollars to donuts they’ve already flagged this girl for going to her state chain of command. They don’t want no light shining down on this, no how.

Read the full article here
