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Trump Admits To 2016 ‘Mistake’ – Shouldn’t Have Hired ‘Dishonest’ Barr, Sessions & Esper



During a sit-down interview with Fox News host Maria Bartiromo over the weekend, GOP presidential frontrunner Donald Trump admitted to making some poor cabinet selections during his presidency.

The subject came up when Bartiromo asked Trump if there is anything he’d do differently if he is re-elected.

“The mistake would be people,” Trump said. “I mean, I wouldn’t have put a guy like [former Attorney General] Bill Barr in, he was weak and pathetic. I wouldn’t have put [former Attorney General] Jeff Sessions in… There are some people that I wouldn’t have put in. You know, most people were good, but I had some people… we had [former Secretary of Defense] Mark Esper. I didn’t like him. He was incompetent I thought. We had other people I didn’t like.”

Bartiromo asked why Trump put these “incompetent” people into power when he was president and he explained he “thought” they were good at the time.

“I didn’t know the people,” Trump admitted. “I know the people now better than anybody has ever known the people. I know, the good ones, the bad ones, the dumb ones, the smart ones.”

“Well, you didn’t drain the swamp,” Bartiromo cut off Trump.

Defending himself, Trump said, “I did. I fired [former FBI Director James] Comey. I fired a lot of people. A lot of the people I had, I fired. I fired Comey very early. And, you know, there was a question as to whether or not you could. But I fired Comey. If I didn’t fire Comey, I don’t think I would have been able to serve out my term because that was a plot.”

During a Monday morning Fox News segment, former Trump Administration Assistant Treasury Secretary Monica Crowley noted the nonstop attacks by the Deep State, administrative state and mainstream media prevented him from fully draining the swamp.

Watch the full Trump interview with Maria Bartiromo below:

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