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Civil Air Patrol middle aged white dude just so darn over “middle aged white dudes”



You know what?

I’m over him, too. And every last bespectacled smart ass just like him.

This is video from 2022 that’s just resurfacing now and it’s kind of amazing how this fellow – who has since retired – was the canary in the woke mine.

He’s just dripping with Gen. Mark Milley disdain for his fellow “white dudes.”

So, the Civil Air Patrol (CAP) is an auxiliary of the Air Force, a 501 (c)(3) volunteer organization set up along military lines. It uses Air Force hierarchy ranks and command structure. They’vey got a whole page dedicated to their DEI statement on their webpage. Winged woke and all that.


Right now there don’t seem to be a whole bunch of openings available for anyone, less mind the kind “middle age white guys” would be clamoring for…


…but you never know. In my teens, all of the pilots in our little unit in North Jersey were all airline pilots or guys with private pilots’ licenses who volunteered because they couldn’t stay out of a cockpit for love nor money. Plus they really enjoyed teaching us kids.

I’m also really curious in what context this little noxious gem of wisdom was dropped. I tracked the video down on TikTok and there wasn’t any information or illumination to be had.

I did come across a couple news articles on military sites – one, in fact, quotes Dan Crenshaw who’d gotten ahold of this…

This clip is from February but it was just sent to me by someone who’s concerned about the woke gender and racial ideology being turned into policy by our military leadership. We don’t know everything about this clip, but it seems this Air Force Colonel, in uniform, is basically saying ‘be racist and sexist when recruiting!’

I’d welcome – and expect – an explanation from the Air Force. Is this an acceptable statement from a leader, especially as the military struggles to recruit?
Investigating wokeism in our military will be part of our oversight list when Republicans take back the House in November.

…but even the article admits there is no context for the clip.

As a CAP officer, he doesn’t “hire” pilots as far as I know. Those guys are still volunteers. Is he talking about the airlines and their hiring?

Maybe, but again, what’s spewing out of his mouth is absolutely vile and irresponsible as far as the safety of passengers, that aircraft and anyone in the vicinity of that aircraft.

I could give a rat’s patootie what color, sex, or creed my pilots are, as long as I can feel confident the airline has hired the BEST and made sure there’s rigorous testing to ensure they remain so at any given stage of their career. Experience is a wonderful thing, and the more you have of it, the less likely – although not impossible – things will either go south on you, or if they do, you won’t respond inappropriately. Experience builds confidence.

And for the record, pilots don’t “honestly all think alike.” What an idiot – the consummate DEI poster boy. He is exactly what he’s warning the system against, but he’s safe because he’s got the desk already.

Last December, the newly elected head of United Airlines’ pilot union had to step down within days when his online cracks about corporate DEI surfaced. He was an older middle-aged white guy to boot.

Can’t have any of that poking the DEI bear.

…On Sept. 16, two days after United announced a partnership with one-time rival Emirates at an event at Washington Dulles International Airport, Swindells wrote on a private message board for pilots: “And I’m sure EMIRATES had NOTHING TO DO with the EMIRATES MALE CAPTAIN being flanked” by a United “FEMALE FIRST OFFICER.”

He wrote that the event showed Emirates’ “DOMINANCE OF THE CODESHARE, while giving UNITED their desired DEI money shot!!!”

DEI is a commonly used shorthand for diversity, equity and inclusion. Code-sharing in the aviation industry is when airlines partner to market each other’s flights.

Swindells, who has been at United for nearly three decades, apologized “to anyone I have offended” on Tuesday for language “that was often colorful, heated, and inappropriate,” but declined to step down at the time.

In his resignation note to pilots Wednesday night, he said that “while many of these things have been taken completely out of context and publicly weaponized against me, I cannot ignore their existence and the damaging effect it has had on many of my fellow pilots.”

As for this “colonel,” complete Kool-Aid drinking DEI adherent he appears to be, I honestly do not see where’s he’s talking about the military, as nobody gets “hired” there. He sure does have the cool kid lingo down, doesn’t he? That he can wear a uniform while mouthing such trash is so disheartening and so unAmerican, it makes me sick.

That this video is so horrific it will not die the the death it deserves is testament to the damage DEI is doing to military recruiting. It reinforces every last suspicion. The perception it bolsters – that every level of the services are steeped in it – is also torpedoing retention (The only thing that may save that is a recession.).

This guy retired. How many parents and potential recruits have seen this and turned away from service?

That’s the kind of hit below the waterline that’s hard to plug.

Read the full article here
