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Larry Kudlow on Hollywood Strike “Who Cares?”



On Friday, Larry Kudlow spoke for millions during his opening commentary with his take on Hollywood going on strike….who  cares?

Hollywood is going on strike. My first reaction is: Who cares? America is going to be the better for it. Ninety-five percent of their products are awful — bunch of left-wing drivel. They hate America. They’re completely woke. They were among the biggest supporters of the COVID shutdown and wanted to keep America shut down… long past the virus threat.

Let me quote from a tough article written by John Nolte of Breitbart: “Why would I mourn the shutdown of a multi-billion-dollar industry dedicated to hating me, grooming children, destroying my heroes, lying about my country, championing fascism and taking pride in wasting everyone’s precious time with a product that rarely rises to mediocre?”


Interestingly, even though the whole Hollywood crowd loves Joe Biden, the strikers are blaming Bidenflation for their walkout. Ha-ha-ha. I find that very amusing. Now Disney CEO Bob Iger thinks the money demands of the writers are way out-of-touch. Good to know that push comes to shove, Mr. Iger is behaving like a true capitalist, despite the ultra-woke leanings of his company.

Scratch a Hollywood CEO-producer deep enough and you’ll always find a bit of a class warfare capitalist. Kind of like the Gilded Age, huh? Ha-ha-ha. Just having some fun here, but there’s no question the actors’ compensation is way out-of-touch with any reality anyone can think of. Most of them are awful and their movies are just as bad and they get paid gigantic sums.

Now the capitalist producers are, of course, very worried about their writers and actors because some of these summer blockbusters won’t be released, or if they are released, they won’t be promo’d properly because the actors are on strike.


Finally, the striking actors and writers who are complaining about Bidenflation could really win me over, I mean I’d actually watch many more of their heretofore lousy flicks, if they’d have a good six- or eight-part series attacking all of Bidenomics — all the spending, borrowing, taxing, regulating and inflating. Just one good well-acted, multi-part series slamming Biden’s bottomless Pinnochios and economy-wrecking crew because the only plus in this Hollywood strike story to me is that they’re blaming Biden’s inflation.

So, Hollywood, you got one right. Now it’s time for you to finish the analysis and join the rest of America, which is increasingly on strike against Biden. That’s my riff.

Watch the full segment below.

Read the full article here
