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Jim Caviezel Blasts Fake News Media of Being a Tool of Satan, Calls Out ‘Three Letter Agencies’ for Being Complicit in Societal Wickedness (VIDEO)



In a passionate and fiery speech in Steve Bannon’s War Room, renowned actor Jim Caviezel railed against the media, federal agencies, and what he believes to be a corrupt global elite.

Best known for his role as Jesus Christ in ‘The Passion of the Christ,’ Caviezel did not mince his words and accused the fake news media of being a tool of Satan.

“You are going to have something hell to pay for, for what you’ve done. Media, I’m not afraid of you at all. You Satan. That’s right,” said Caviezel.

He then proceeded to call out corrupt intelligence agencies for being complicit in societal wickedness. His words expressed his frustration with those he sees as sitting idly by in the face of wrongdoing.

“You three letter agencies that have gone along with this wickedness, that have torn these children from our mother’s wombs… These are the wicked here.”

“But there’s another group of wicked, those that stand in the middle, that do nothing that allow this to occur. A beautiful woman told me that you have the good and you have the evil, but in the middle, you have the fence, and the devil owns that fence, and you are on top of it… It seems that you don’t want a republic anymore, that you don’t want life, and liberty in the pursuit of happiness,” Caviezel added.

Caviezel made a fervent warning of divine retribution, evoking biblical imagery of “fire and brimstone.” He suggested that if the current state of affairs is not rectified, the wrath of God will befall the nation.

“It’s all going to be gone because God is going to put a wrath on this nation like you’ve never understood,” he said.

“There’s going to be fire and brimstone on this earth like you’ve never seen. He’s going to have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah if he doesn’t take care of what is happening here now. And you can kill the most innocent when he was in conception using first trimester, 2nd, 3rd trimester, partial-birth abortion, now killing a baby 28 days after it’s born. My God, what is that for? How does that save the mother’s life? Or do you need the organs from that baby?” he added.

The actor then launched into a discussion about organ harvesting and the use of adrenochrome by elites.

“Is that why you need it? Or the organ harvesting you don’t want me to talk about? Or the adrenochrome? You elites. You elite leaders in this world and understand America,” he said.

“There are leaders that you don’t even know about that are controlling this whole world system. Those guys that I’m talking to right now, my Lord and Saviour is coming after you. And I’m not afraid of you. Remember this to the people out there, don’t be afraid…


The faith-based film ‘Sound of Freedom’ played by Caviezel, has outperformed Disney’s $300 million-budget film “Indiana Jones” at the box office. Yet, the far-left mainstream media, rather than addressing the film’s central issue of child sex trafficking, is painting the movie and its supporters with a broad stroke of QAnon conspiracy.

Sex trafficking, a horrifying reality affecting millions of children worldwide annually, has been the focal point of ‘Sound of Freedom.’ The film was designed to shed light on this global crisis and bring it to the forefront of public consciousness.

However, major media outlets like CNN and Rolling stones are downplaying the movie and associating its narrative with “QAnon conspiracy theories.”

The  Department of Justice (DOJ) recently removed critical content from its official webpage on child sex trafficking, the sections highlighting the issue on domestic and international minor exploitation and and child victims of prostitution.

The Gateway Pundit reported that the significant revision was made in late May 2023, amidst growing criticism of Joe Biden’s policies encouraging mass migration through the permeable southern border of the United States—a region often exploited for child sex trafficking.

This drastic change also aligns with the timing of the release of the movie “The Sound of Freedom”, a narrative focused on the alarming issue of child sex trafficking.

The DOJ’s webpage, an integral part of the department’s efforts to inform the public about the nature and scale of child sex trafficking and its own initiatives to combat this heinous crime, saw the removal of three key sections on May 12th, 2023. The expunged sections include “International Sex Trafficking of Minors”, “Domestic Sex Trafficking of Minors”, and “Child Victims of Prostitution.”

Read the full article here
