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Russian Pranksters Pose As Zelensky, Get Kissinger To Say He ‘Thought’ Ukraine Was Behind Nord Stream Pipeline Explosion



Former U.S. Secretary of State and top globalist operative Henry Kissinger was tricked by a pair of famous Russian pranksters who pretended to be Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky in a conference call.

During the conversation, the political prank callers were able to get Kissinger to admit even he thought the Ukrainians were behind the illegal destruction of the Nord Stream pipeline.

When the fake Zelenksy asked Kissinger who he thought was “behind the explosion of Nord Stream 2,” the former Nixon and Ford administration official said, “I frankly have thought you were. But, I didn’t blame you. I would not say that is a criticism.”

As of now, international investigations into the Nord Stream incident are being held and Kissinger’s comment may be further examined by those seeking to find the culprits.

The Russian prank call duo has landed some pretty big interviews over the years.

Last year, they were able to get former U.S. President George W. Bush to comment on the Ukraine war, biolabs, and “the information war.”

These globalists really need to do a better job of verifying who they’re speaking with!

Don’t miss Paul Joseph Watson’s video on the Kissinger prank call below:

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