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J6er Brian Mock Exposes Rosanne Boyland’s Killing and Forces Prosecutor Acknowledgement of Police Brutality in Closing Arguments of DC Bench Trial – Verdict Expected Tomorrow



Pro Se J6er Brian Mock relaxes after a hard fought battle in Chief Judge Boasberg’s DC court.

With Reporting by Mel Hawley (TMI)

Closing arguments in the J6 Trial of Brian Mock, were today made in front of District of Columbia Chief District Judge James Boasberg. After an emotional ride that started and stopped through the last few weeks, a verdict is finally expected tomorrow. 

Ahead of today’s proceedings, Mock, who faces multiple indictments and was released in May 2022 from pretrial detainment after an entire year in the DC CTF — filed a motion for full dismissal of all charges based on “Due Process violations protected under the Amendments Five, Six and Fourteen to the Constitution of the United States of America.”

In his closing arguments, Pro Se Defendant Mock leaned heavily into reports of police brutality on January 6 — suggesting that much of the bad behavior from the crowd toward police was instigated by the police themselves. 

As reported June 22 by The Gateway Pundit, the trial paused for two weeks following testimony from Mock and shocking statements from defense witness Tommy Tatum, who told the DC Court that he “witnessed the murder of Rosanne Boyland by (DC Metro) Officer Lila Morris,” — leading Judge Boasberg to dramatically put his hands in the air. 

“I’m not going to indulge in this make-believe,” Judge Boasberg said. 

NBC’s Ryan Reilly reported on June 26 that things were perhaps even more emotionally charged when Mock’s son A.J. took the stand as a witness.

According to Reilly: 

“Brian Mock said that he’d forgiven his son right away when he learned that A.J. Mock had turned him into the FBI and asked his son whether he would lie on the stand to keep him out of jail.

‘No,’ A.J. Mock said at trial. ‘I just want the truth to be heard.’

‘You know I’m proud of you, right?’ the defendant asked.

‘Yes,’ his son replied.

‘And you know I love you, right?’ the defendant asked.

The government didn’t object. Outside the courtroom after the testimony, both men shed tears.”

TMI Correspondent Mel Hawley explains that today’s proceedings saw an end to the heartfelt family discussion, however — instead of rotating back to the DC norm — The Department of Justice and US Attorney’s Office, once again, is seeking to justify police brutality and criminalize obviously patriotic speech. 

In his closing arguments, Mock railed against legal deficiencies in the government’s case against him — pointing out the repeated failure to name any victims of his alleged crimes. He further described widespread confusion in an extremely chaotic situation where he and others were subject to the movement of the massive crowd. 

In response, US Attorney’s said Mock was untruthful — leading to conversational back and forth between Pro Se Mock and Chief District Judge Boasberg. 

“I can’t sit here and defend what some people did,” Mock explained, “There were obviously some people who were there — instigators who broke off from our group and went into the Capitol long before any of the alleged assaults.”

“I condemned what they did and didn’t follow along,” Mock said. 

Nevertheless, Mock continued to hammer home the violence from police that day with multiple video exhibits — some of which have yet to be seen by the public. 

Police were shown savagely beating a protester who ran through a police line on the lower West Terrace, along with another that showed a woman merely touching her hand to a bicycle rack before police pushed her to the ground, clubbed her over the head with a baton, and starting spraying everyone around her. 

Perhaps most egregious was video of police violently spraying mace at an elderly woman before pushing her down a set of stairs — prompting massive outrage from the assembled crowd. 

Mock equated the numerous assaults on the crowd to the Rodney King beating that predicated the Los Angeles riots in 1992 — pointing out how Capitol Police Inspector Lloyd specifically stated, while under oath, that everyone there was subject to police violence because all were guilty. 

Additionally, Mock mentioned a motion he filed two years ago that detailed how protesters in the lower west terrace were violently attacked by police. He explained to Judge Boasberg that two years later, the video (much of which has been unseen by the general public) corroborates his filing along with his unchanging assertion that the mainstream narrative is a lie. 

In rebuttal, US Attorney Michael Gordon begrudgingly acknowledged police brutality but shifted focus back to Mock’s social media posts and use of the Virginia State Motto, ‘Sic Semper Tyrannis.”

“Although violent acts occurred, Mock didn’t act to stop those specific crimes, so he is still guilty,” US Attorney Michael Gordon said. 

But perhaps the acknowledgment will lead to a shift in understanding for the DC Judiciary as Chief District Judge James Boasberg deliberates this eveningAfter nearly three years of multiple defendants struggling to bring the full truth to proceedings, maybe Pro Se Defendant Brian Mock will be the best man for the job — pitching a perfect game when the stakes are at their highest. 

J6er Brian Mock will see how well he did when Judge Boasberg renders the verdict tomorrow. 

As for any judgment of police who instigated violence through brutality, the jury is expected to be out for the foreseeable future. 

***WATCH to learn more about Brian Mocks story and READ the full text of his Motion to Dismiss BELOW***



Read the full article here
