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Whites only antiracism training



Can liberals get any more ridiculous?

Yes, yes they can. But they are trying hard to plumb the depths of idiocy already, so the distance they can still fall is getting pretty small.

The latest absurdity is brought to us by the invaluable Aaron Sibarium of The Washington Free Beacon, who has been busy exposing Leftist absurdity and doing a great job of it.

Aaron has dug up quite a bit of dirt of late, and this story is particularly impressive.

In the never-ending war to make, of all people, liberal White people feel guilty about their continuing dastardly deeds as secret KKK members, NYU held a series of (rather expensive) seminars for White allies to learn how they can be better allies to the more melanin-enriched people of the world.

The seminars were, of course, Whites only. Because nothing says antiracism like segregation.

You really do have to admire the title of the series: “From Integration To Anti-Racist (FIAR) Workshop Series.” They literally used the word “integration” in the title. I suppose the implication is that integration itself is a bad thing if you want to be an antiracist. What we really need is more separation of the races, apparently.

The seminars were put on by “The Education Justice Research and Organizing Collaborative,” which includes all the best buzzwords. “Justice,” “Organizing,” and “Collaborative.”

Never trust anything that includes those words. They are all tells that you are talking to crazy Leftists.

The description that NYU gives for the seminars is precious, and includes just about every woke buzzword you can imagine:

Beginning February 1st, 2023, the Education Justice Research and Organizing Collaborative (EJ-ROC) at NYU Metro Center will host a series of six (6) monthly workshops designed specifically for white public school parents in New York City committed to becoming anti-racist and to collaboratively building equitable, powerful, multiracial parent communities in their schools.

Sessions will include a wide array of exercises, conversations, and lessons; ranging from exploring readings, podcasts, and reflections on the impact of white supremacy on our thinking and practices. These workshop sessions will also engage real-time challenges participants are facing in their schools with feedback and help to work through, as well as discussion of actions we can take to challenge and dismantle racist policies and practices in our schools and communities.

Workshop topics will include:

  • How internalized white superiority shows up in our actions, relationships, and institutions
  • Being allies/accomplices to parents of color in our schools & a historical look at white anti-racist allies
  • Building authentic relationships with other parents across race & class
  • Building an anti-racist practice & interrupting racism when confronted with it

We encourage groups of 2-3 parents from the same school to apply together.

Apparently, the best way to accomplish these goals is to only talk to other White people. This is so counterintuitive and obviously wrong that the seminar leaders actually had to explain it, and their explanations are as stupid as you would imagine.

The bottom line: minorities are too fragile to listen to White people talk. They deal with racism every day, so being around White people is “harm on top of harm” and the White saviors should exclude them for their own good.

Of course, she has a point: if I had to deal with a bunch of whiny white women who are desperate to virtue signal I too would collapse into a fetal position and begin praying that the Sweet Meteor of Death would hit soon. But I don’t think that is what she means.

The obvious fact that the way this program was run is illegal never occurred to the organizers nor, apparently, the lawyers at NYU. Racial segregation has become so common on college campuses that nobody even blinks when it happens, and it is only conservatives with a bit of spine who have to wit or the courage to say the obvious: segregation is precisely what we should be fighting.

Even before the Supreme Court outlawed affirmative action in college admissions, it was illegal for universities to practice other forms of race discrimination. The whites-only workshop, five lawyers said, almost certainly violated Title VI of the Civil Rights Act, which applies to the recipients of federal funds, and—since NYU charged parents for the seminars—also ran afoul of laws banning discrimination in contracting, according to Dan Morenoff, the executive director of the American Civil Rights Project.

“It’s quintessentially illegal,” said Ilya Shapiro, the director of constitutional studies at the Manhattan Institute. “This episode illustrates the horseshoe theory whereby left- and right-wing radicals end up agreeing on race-based societal balkanization. It’s like that social media meme: ‘woke or KKK?’”

The program took place while NYU was under an ongoing consent agreement with the U.S. Department of Education over a string of anti-Semitic incidents on campus. As race-based programs of all stripes face added scrutiny in the wake of the High Court’s affirmative action ban, the seminar is a stark signal that “anti-racism” doesn’t just mean minority-only fellowships or workforce diversity targets; at one of the top universities in the country, it now includes programs that bear an eerie similarity to Jim Crow.

“They are literally running a ‘whites only’ program in the interest of so-called social justice,” said Samantha Harris, an attorney who litigates campus speech and civil rights issues. “I find it inconceivable that the people putting these programs together don’t see the irony.”

At some point, you have to recognize that the Left is the opposite of “antiracist.” The majority of “antiracist” activists are white Leftists, and they seem to base their worldview on the presumption that people blessed with melanin (and unfortunately deprived of enough Vitamin D in the upper latitudes) are too fragile to live in a society with too many people of European descent.

This attitude is uncomfortably close to that held by White Supremacists, whose major difference with the White Saviors is that they go the next step and assert that minorities are too weak to be of much use to modern society except to do menial tasks. The antiracists labor under the same ridiculous assumption, differing only in their response, which is to ask that White people pretend otherwise to spare the feelings of the inferior races.

Both sets of beliefs are racist and also incorrect. Black and Brown people are just as capable of being productive members of society without White “help” or instruction. Give any group of people a good education, a middle-class set of values, and the opportunity to succeed and they will do so. Education and culture are the major determining factors, which is why Black immigrants make over 30% of the income that American-born Blacks, although their children tend to move down rather than up the income scale, contra most immigrant groups.

That is culture, not race. Immigrant Blacks are more likely to be and remain married, for instance, than their children or American Blacks. Marriage is a major variable in social and economic success.

Leftism is hostile to middle-class culture, while middle-class “bourgeoise” culture is the secret to American societal success.

This is why wokism is ultimately more dangerous to minority success in America than White Supremacy, which is almost nonexistent as a cultural force in America. Sure, there are pockets of White Supremacists, but they aren’t exactly running the country. Woke people are and have been for quite a while, and it hasn’t been working out that well, has it?


Read the full article here
