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Woke military is the US’ “strategic advantage” over our adversaries



If climate change is the cause of all bad things, the inverse is true of woke ideology.

Because “diversity is our strength,” teaching recruits that a transgender soldier who feels guilty about his/her/ze/zir’s White guilt will give America the edge over the People’s Liberation Army.

Yes, really.

I can’t imagine how the US won World War II without human wave attacks of DEI officers to lead the troops into battle.

Some mysteries will never be solved.

The White House on Monday slammed a House Republican defense policy bill that’s aimed at eliminating what GOP lawmakers have called “woke” policies inside the Pentagon, including the current practice of hosting drag queen shows on military bases.

The Biden administration released a statement that defended the Defense Department’s diversity, equity, inclusion and accessibility (DEIA) programs, and criticized the GOP attempt to eliminate those programs in the National Defense Authorization Act for fiscal year 2024. Specific amendments Biden condemned include a ban on drag shows in the military, a ban of federal funds for critical race theory initiatives, an elimination of the chief diversity officer at the Department of Defense, and a measure to ensure DEIA jobs are not senior positions.

The statement from the White House on Monday claimed those amendments would spike essential aspects of the Department of Defense.

“DoD’s strategic advantage in a complex global security environment is the diverse and dynamic talent pool from which we draw,” the White House statement of administration policy said. “We rely on diverse perspectives, experiences, and skillsets to remain a global leader, deter war, and keep our nation secure.”

“Moreover, DoD is committed to developing and maintaining a dignified, respectful, and safe workplace,” it added. “Legislation that reduces DoD’s ability to create a positive work environment and fully leverage the best our nation has to offer puts the Department at a strategic disadvantage.”

While it is true that any complex organization is built upon a division of labor in which the full range of skills and talents can be called upon, I have yet to see how diversity in the sense that the Biden Administration means it helps one little bit. A bunch of soldiers demanding drag shows for kids, reparations, and accusing the military of being an agent of White Supremacy seems like one that is no longer focused on its primary mission, which is either threatening to or actually killing people and breaking things.

Getting a lecture about how DEI is vital to American security from an administration that pushed for LGBTQ+ rights in Afghanistan right before abandoning the country to the Taliban is a bit rich. The Biden Administration can’t even convince people to volunteer for the military anymore, so it is in no position to give lectures to the American people about how DEI strengthens our military. They are hollowing it out instead.

One has to wonder if they actually believe their own BS, or whether they simply feel bound to mouth it to placate their Left-wing. A brigade of Dylan Mulvaneys and another of Ibram X Kendis are unlikely to frighten off anybody who is determined to challenge the US in a conflict.

A brigade of badasses who routinely insult each other with the most vile slurs and then band together to kill anybody who challenges them is more in line with our needs.

I am pretty sure of that. Sensitive soldiers are probably not the most intimidating. Curling into a fetal position and screaming “genocide” if the wrong pronoun is uttered is not recommended battlefield etiquette.

Woke creates the opposite of an Esprit de Coeur. It is designed to make everybody resent everybody else and does so magnificently.

It is the very last thing we need in the military.

Read the full article here
