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KJP to White House reporter: “To ask that question is actually incredibly irresponsible.”



During a press briefing on Friday, White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre scolded a reporter for asking a question. She told Caitlin Doornbos, a reporter with the New York Post, that her question about the baggie of cocaine found in the West Wing was “incredibly irresponsible.’

Take a look at what happened.

KJP said the Biden family was not at the White House on Friday. Yes, they were. They didn’t leave the White House until late Friday afternoon. There is video of Jill Biden holding the hand of Hunter’s young son, Beau, as they boarded Marine One, with Joe Biden right behind them. Hunter walked off and boarded in the rear of Marine One. I remember thinking at the time that it looked odd for Hunter to walk off from his son but, whatever. KJP is either lying or was not aware that the First Family was in the White House Friday, which would be unusual because she works for Joe Biden. So, I’m going with she is lying.

The reporter was obviously doing her job. This White House is so accustomed to reporters running cover for them that when a reporter asks a legitimate question, KJP can’t handle it. The arrogance of this White House is on full display at times like this. When a baggie of cocaine is reported to have been found in a cubbie near the Situation Room, reporters are expected to ask questions.

Joe Biden said that he was running to restore “normal” back to the White House when he ran in 2020. He said he would return decorum. He said he knew how to run the White House to get things done. After a lifelong career in Washington, D.C. politics, none of that was unusual. Biden wanted to hold himself out as a model of transparency and someone who respected the office. He lied. Everything he promised turned out to be a lie. The most glaring example is how he avoids the press and refuses to answer questions. There is no transparency in the Biden White House and Cocainegate proves that. Does Joe Biden think cocaine in the West Wing is normal? If so, why? Was it normal during the Obama-Biden administration?

Ever since the cocaine was magically discovered in that cubbie, meant to be a place to store cell phones for staff, White House officials, and NSC members as they entered the Situation Room, the story has changed over and over again. KJP was being asked about a deputy White House spokesman’s statement that answering questions about Trump’s comments on Cocainegate would violate the Hatch Act. Malarkey. If it violated the Hatch Act, why did he continue on to criticize Trump on policy matters? The irony was rich since the spokesman, Andrew Bates, is the same one who defiantly used the term MAGA after the OSC ruled that KJP violated the Hatch Act when she did that from the podium in the press briefing room.

The question remains – who dropped the cocaine in the cubbie?

REPORTER: Can you just say once and for all whether or not the cocaine belonged to the Biden family?

KARINE JEAN-PIERRE: We’re not avoiding the question, that is not true, we’ve answered the question, and we’ve litigated the question for the past two days exhaustively.

You know, there has been some irresponsible reporting about the family and so I gotta call that out here. I have been very clear. I was clear two days ago when talking about this over and over again as I was being asked the questions, as you know, and media outlets reported this. The Biden family was not here. They were not here. They were at Camp David. They were not here Friday. They were not here Saturday. They were not here Sunday. They were not even here on Monday. They came back on Tuesday.

So to ask that question is actually incredibly irresponsible and I’ll just leave it there.

They have “litigated” the question? KJP doesn’t know what the word means. She may think she is answering the question but she keeps saying that the incident is being investigated by the Secret Service and she’ll leave it to them. She was wrong about the Biden family’s schedule. And, most of all, she keeps saying she has been clear on this question and she has not. If she was clear, basic questions would not still be asked a week into the story. The location of the baggie of cocaine has changed two or three times and now it is outside the Situation Room, the place where NSC officials work and discuss top secret government business. That area, though the White House keeps describing it as “high traffic”, as though any number of people could have randomly left their coke there, is one that requires a high-level security clearance.

The White House is the most secure building in America. There are security cameras, K-9 security, Secret Service, and other law enforcement all around. There are snipers on the White House roof. Are we supposed to believe that illicit drugs show up in a cubbie and we may never know who put it there, as the legacy media now is trying to tell us? Who are they covering up for here? Hunter Biden is the easy choice because of his history of addiction. He is living in the White House. KJP may try to claim there has been “irresponsible reporting about the family” but simply pointing out Hunter’s past troubles is fair game. He may be the president’s son but he is a security risk because of his past behavior.

Is the White House trying to pin the coke on someone else? A random staffer? An NSC official? Perhaps Kamala Harris? One of the versions of the story claimed that the spot where the coke was found was near where the vice president’s vehicle parks. Lord knows she sounds like she’s on something when she’s tossing word salads in interviews or speeches. But no one thinks she’s doing coke, at least I don’t think so.

There is no reason that we should be kept in the dark about this – unless it really is Hunter’s drugs and he’s back to using while he’s living in the White House. Is this why Joe Biden is “consumed” with Hunter’s legal problems and afraid his son will go back to using? Allegedly Daddy Joe is keeping Hunter close in order to keep an eye on him. Let’s remember we are talking about an 80-year-old father and his 53-year-old son. The scenario of a president keeping his fifty-something-year-old son at his hip in the White House and at official events, like a state dinner, is not normal at all. Illicit drugs at the White House are not supposed to be normal. None of this is normal.

How long can it take for Secret Service to determine who the drugs belong to? They rounded up January 6 rioters just-like-that and tossed them in jail. They seem to have the ability to do their job when it suits them. How about now? The media is happy to cover for the Biden family. Cable news hosts and legacy media show hosts found the discovery of cocaine in the West Wing to be very amusing. They laughed and laughed. Imagine if it had been a Republican president’s White House. Remember what they did to the Bush twins during their days in college, for example? They weren’t off-limits, were they? Double standards and special deals for the Biden family continue. When does it end?

Read the full article here
