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White House Claims Ukraine Will Be Careful with American-Provided Cluster Bombs



White House national security adviser Jake Sullivan claimed during a briefing on Friday that Ukraine will be careful with American-provided cluster bombs.

Sullivan confirmed reports that President Joe Biden will supply Ukraine with cluster bombs, which much of the world has vowed not to use due to long-term effects on civilians.

“We recognize that cluster munitions create a risk of civilian harm from unexploded ordinances. This is why we deferred the decision for as long as we could,” Sullivan said. However, he claimed that civilians could be harmed by potential Russian advances into Ukraine.

“Ukraine would not be using these munitions in some foreign land. This is their country they’re defending, these are their citizens they’re protecting and they are motivated to use any weapon system they have in a way that minimizes risks to those citizens,” he added.

Cluster munitions are a category of rockets, bombs, missiles, and artillery projectiles that break apart in the air and blanket a large area. The munitions often fail and can devastate civilians.

Humanitarian groups note that unexploded cluster bombs often linger and harm civilians after the conflict. More than 100 countries signed the Convention of Cluster Munitions, promising not to use them. Russia, Ukraine, and the United States have not signed the treaty. Russia reportedly has been using cluster munitions during the conflict.

“Transferring cluster munitions disregards the substantial danger they pose to civilians and undermines the global effort to ban them,” Mary Wareham, the Human Rights Watch advocacy director, said on Thursday.

The move to provide Ukraine with cluster munitions has rankled some Democrats over how it may impact America’s standing as a human rights champion.

Rep. Barabara Lee (D-CA) wrote, “Cluster bombs work by scattering tiny “bomblets” over a wide area. Many of these bomblets don’t explode—but remain a threat to civilians for decades.” She noted that dozens of foreign policy and human rights groups urged Biden not to provide Ukraine with cluster munitions.

“The Ukrainian people are engaged in a just struggle for their rights, freedom, and humanity.  The U.S. and Ukraine don’t need to stoop to Putin’s level,” she added.

Rep. Sara Jacobs (D-CA) wrote, “We’ve seen Russia’s horrific use of cluster munitions in Ukraine – and we shouldn’t cede the moral high ground by criticizing their actions and then deciding to send cluster munitions ourselves.”

Jacobs continued:

Ultimately, our goal goes beyond winning this war – we want to win the future of Ukraine by building a free, open, and democratic Ukraine. But cluster munitions prevent the successful economic rebuilding and recovery that’s needed to ensure a prosperous Ukraine and maintain anti-corruption gains.

“We’re seen around the world as human rights defenders, but this decision would undermine that reputation, so I urge the Administration to stand up for our values and refuse to send cluster munitions to Ukraine,” the California Democrat added.

Then-White House press secretary Jen Psaki said last year that alleged Russian use of cluster bombs would “potentially be a war crime.”

Sean Moran is a policy reporter for Breitbart News. Follow him on Twitter @SeanMoran3.

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