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BBC News Launches ‘BBC Verify’ to Fight ‘Conspiracy Theories’ & ‘Disinformation’



BBC News has unveiled a new channel it claims will address the “growing threat of disinformation” posed by “alternative media” and “far-right figures.”

BBC’s new “Disinformation Correspondent” Marianna Spring claimed the point of “BBC Verify” will be to “verify video, to fact-check, to counter disinformation, and to analyze really complex stories so we can get to the truth of what’s going on.”

Spring then explained she’s tasked with “investigating the UK’s conspiracy theory movement.”

“I’m trying to understand more about how it’s evolved and intensified since the pandemic here in the UK,” she said, adding it involves a network of “alternative media” and “far-right figures.”

Recall the BBC, a government-funded network, unquestioningly parroted any government talking point it was given about lockdowns, masks, mRNA vaccines, alternative treatments and the China Virus itself, no matter how inaccurate or propagandized it was.

At the same time, the BBC demonized mask and lockdown dissenters and people who did not want to take the COVID shot.

Spring also explained that she has “undercover accounts” on social media posing as “populist right,” “progressive left,” and “stressed sideliner” users so she can “understand polarization online.”

Independent journalist Glenn Greenwald panned the notion of BBC News starting a “disinformation” channel as “hilarious.”

“This BBC employee, Marianna Spring, resides above the newsroom because she’s not just any journalist, but a ‘disinformation correspondent,’” he tweeted Monday.

“Somehow qualified to identify ‘disinformation,’ she adjudicates Truth, while warning that ‘alternative media’ is a menace.”

The fact is, if the BBC was concerned about truth, it would have reported on the COVID pandemic responsibly by covering alternative treatments, honestly evaluating the virus’ origin, doggedly questioning government officials proposing radical COVID policies, and fostering an environment for open and fair debate.

Instead, BBC News attacks anyone who goes against prescribed narratives, some provably false.

Here’s Elon Musk calling out the BBC for pushing misinformation all through the COVID pandemic and humiliating a BBC reporter for trying to demonize Twitter as a “hate speech” platform.

Here’s Stew Peters demolishing a BBC hit-piece attempt at his sobering film “Died Suddenly,” which investigates the experimental COVID jabs.

If the BBC was so concerned about truth, why would they protest against being labeled “government-funded media” on Twitter?

After all, it’s 100% true.

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