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Somehow we survived “world’s hottest day”…so far



Holy smokes, were they hyperventilating about this yesterday on the evening news and they weren’t talking about gun fights at summer block parties in Democratically controlled hellholes.

Nope. Weather.

I notice CNBC jumped on the “We’re all going to die” bandwagon this morning.

World registers hottest day since records began — with fresh highs expected in the coming weeks

Complete with a terrifying section of KEY POINTS before the gloom and doom meat of the article even starts!

• The world’s average temperature climbed to its highest level since records began on Tuesday, according to provisional data from U.S. researchers.

• Scientists warned Tuesday’s temperature record was likely to be the first of many over the coming months, citing the combination of the climate crisis and the El Niño phenomenon.

• It follows a series of mind-bending extreme weather events across the globe in recent months.


The scare quotes are coming fast and furious.

…“Monday, July 3rd was the hottest day ever recorded on Planet Earth. A record that lasted until … Tuesday, July 4th,” said Bill McGuire, professor emeritus of geophysical and climate hazards at University College London, via Twitter.

Totally unprecedented and terrifying,” he added.

Scientists warned Tuesday’s temperature record was likely to be the first of many over the coming months, citing the combination of the climate crisis and the El Niño phenomenon.

Do you remember yesterday’s global surface air temperature record? It just got shattered again,” climate researcher Leon Simons also said via Twitter.

They were a little more subdued on the CBS Evening News broadcast, but the point was still the same. A dapper Weather Channel climate cultist was mapping out the heat wave traversing the country, using that to segue into explaining the oven effect on the world at large. We are baking into extinction, basically, as evidenced by the hottest 2 global days “since records BEGAN.”

Cynical me, knowing they have pretty accurate meteorological records going back into the 1800’s and some trustworthy ones even further, could not believe that line about the records.

“So, REALLY,” I questioned, looking at major dad somewhat askance. “SINCE RECORDS BEGAN – all that way?”

Well…like…not exactly.

Since, um…well, sort of since 1979.


Screencap CBS Evening News

At least CBS was honest enough to put when that particular set of “average heat across the planet” record-keeping started even though he never mentions 1979 as the start date of ” records began” once. Slick.

Big time media just threw the climate crisis cloak on and ran with it, without even a second thought about how absolutely preposterous the assertions were. Of course, in the interest of promoting the narrative, the assertions get more outrageous the more the wildfire of climate fear spreads among true believers earnestly preaching to obstinate masses. It’s like a paranoid game of telephone – every iteration of the story is embellished to burnish the fear, raise awareness, and heighten anxiety over an impending menace, all in a constant effort to modify stubbornly resistant behaviors.

Yeah. Their Magic World On Fire Machine is called a “reanalyzer” but it’s really a “whatever-we-feed-into-it-to-get-what-we-need-out-of-it” Space Modulator. It works about as well as Marvin the Martian’s and should not be used in any way, shape or form to make dire prognostications based on their temperature time travel LARPing.

I wasn’t kidding about 1979 – buried in the CNBC report is the fact that the quoted 125,000 YEARS is all speculative, made-up, manipulated bull Schlitz.

They literally have no hard data older than 1979.

…Citing the University of Maine’s Climate Reanalyzer, Rohde said via Twitter on Tuesday that though the data only stretches back to 1979, other data sets looking further back show that the recent temperature record was warmer than any point since instrumental measurements began,

and probably for a long time before that as well.


Oh. Very Sciencey.™

And these are the people who fully expect you to swelter in your hovel and consume insects, ceding them the power over your very existence.

We are also going into an El Nino year. Those are always warm and been especially so during the latter part of the data period they do have. Note 1998’s spikey high – pretty warm then, eh?

Screencap @JunkScience

In fact, it was a warmer June than our one just past. But there was no University of Maine “reanalyzer” to jerk with the numbers and Al Gore didn’t have carbon futures to sell yet.

1936 – no air-conditioning.

As for July? Depends where you are.

Bring a sweater.

It’s weather.

Read the full article here
