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Scotland’s First Minister Humza Useless Has a Prickly Personal Problem Percolating



And here you thought Joe Biden was currently the only leader of a nation, big or small, who had such brazen low-life pond scum for relatives.


Biden, as far as we know, has been greedy enough to keep it in the immediate family—son, brother, and other blood relatives.

The infamous architect of Scotland’s recent draconian “hate law,” First Minister Humza Yousaf, has married into his “not a distraction” (as he assures everyone) scandal. Although it does have one wondering if his own race-baiting, white-hating, noxiously woke personality doesn’t attract bottom-feeding opportunists, kind of like road kill does vultures and flies.

The man doesn’t make any attempt to hide his revulsion at the thought of being surrounded by a sea of white faces in a predominantly white country.

He repeated his first Scottish oath of office in Urdu for good measure.

And with the beautiful specter of his “Rivers of White” parliament speech hanging over the country…

…it’s no wonder that the Scottish people, who for whatever guilt-ridden, virtue-signaling reason elected this miserable bag of worms, were laying for the chance to humiliate the hell outta Humza when this hate crime law hit the streets.

Did they ever. Citizens reported the “I see white people” speech to coppers as a hate crime in numbers far exceeding those Yousaf had been expecting to nail J.K. Rowling’s supposed TRANSgressions for

Humza Yousaf humiliated as he gets ‘more hate crime law complaints than JK Rowling’

The SNP leader has reportedly been reported to the police more than the Harry Potter author under the controversial new legislation.

No worries about who was responsible, though. Racist is as racist does. Humza Useless explained he and his hate wasn’t the problem or the reason for the flood of reports incapacitating Scottish police.

Police in Scotland have been swamped with almost 8,000 complaints since the introduction of Humza Yousaf’s shambolic hate crime laws, The Mail on Sunday can reveal.

Control room officers are battling to keep on top of the backlog – equivalent to one grievance every minute.

‘Stirring up hatred’ is now prohibited – and police are braced for thousands more cases following football’s Old Firm derby today.


The Guardian went even further, writing a lengthy article to ensure everyone knew complainers were “Neo-Nazis.”

Even as Useless was adding more luster to his image by mishandling the legislation’s fallout and burgeoning calls for retracting it, his family situation was receiving some adverse attention in the news, courtesy of a brother-in-law.

I wrote about Yousaf’s reaction to the Hamas slaughter of Oct 7, that of his charming wife – Scottish-born daughter of a Palestinian immigrant – along with her family, some of whom were still in Gaza, on Oct 19. They were not sympathetic to the Israeli complaints, even a mere 12 days past the barbarism, at the time bemoaning the destruction of a certain hospital in Gaza by Israelis. The same one which had already been conclusively proven to have been struck by Hamas rockets gone astray.

There never were any corrections made, apologies given, or errant tweets deleted.

This is the caliber of Jew and West-hating, radical Hamas supporter Scotland nurtures in their highest office. I’m sure Nadia El-Nakla also sees herself as a victim of Scotland’s WHITE WHITE WHITE racism. So WHITE that, just as with her husband, she herself holds elected office.

…In May last year, she became an SNP councillor for the West End of Dundee. She was the first minority ethnic SNP candidate to be elected in the city.

I don’t see how she can stand it.

She is an incessant advocate for resettling Palestinians from Gaza in Scotland, which her husband has openly supported, including more members of her own family. 

The British government, on the other hand, has not appreciated Yousaf’s independent efforts in the matter.

Nadia El-Nakla, an SNP councillor and the wife of Scotland’s first minister, says she is “pleading” with the UK government to let her host her Palestinian brother, as she revealed that her sister-in-law and their four children had escaped from Gaza after an intervention by the Turkish government.

…She also described her horror at how far down the national news agenda the conflict had slipped over the festive season and described the attack on Gaza as “genocide”.

“It’s not even on the radar,” she said. “It’s the first time we’re seeing a textbook genocide in real time and it’s not even on the news.”

Last month, the foreign secretary, David Cameron, rebuked Yousaf and threatened to withdraw cooperation with Scottish ministers after Yousaf met the Turkish president at Cop28 without a UK official present.

…“I feel like a second-class citizen in my own country, because I don’t have the right to bring my own brother to stay in my own home.


A younger El-Nakla brother in Scotland was “nicked” by Scotland Yard in January as he was leaving a previous hearing, then released…

…But officers stepped in as he got ready to leave the dock and nicked him in connection with another alleged incident.

…and…well, dang, if they didn’t finally arrest him two days ago.

I guess you could frame it as a “hate crime” when you’re accused of kidnapping someone to extort them, and they maybe jump out a window to their death.

Or something. The fact is the kidnapped party wound up on the roof of a vehicle parked thirty feet below where he was being held.

HUMZA Yousaf’s brother-in-law is accused of kidnapping and extorting cash from a man shortly before the alleged victim plunged to his death from a block of flats.

Prosecutors claim Ramsay El-Nakla, 36, threatened Ryan Munro with violence and intimidated him during an alleged incident in January this year.

Dundee Sheriff Court was told yesterday that El-Nakla is charged with placing Ryan, 36,  in a state of “fear and alarm” and held him against his will on the city’s Morgan Street.

The charges spanning January 9 and 10 claim that he also made him fear a “loss of liberty” as he allegedly tried to get cash out of him.

The 36-year-old El-Nakla was already in a bit of a pickle before being involved with this awful case…

First Minister Humza Yousaf’s brother-in-law has been charged with supplying heroin and being in possession of cocaine and cannabis.

Ramsay El-Nakla, 36 appeared on petition at Dundee Sheriff Court on Monday, charged with drug offences including supplying heroin, along with Stephen Stewart, 50 and Victoria McGowan, 41.

El-Nakla, of Dundee, is the brother-in-law of Mr Yousaf.

Court papers state El-Nakla, Stewart and McGowan were allegedly concerned in “supplying a class A drug, namely diamorphine (heroin)”.

…and according to documents, was itinerant or homeless?

El Nakla, Stewart, who is listed in court papers as being of no fixed abode, and McGowan will appear in court again at a later date.

Now, the old saying is that “you can’t pick your relatives.”  And that is surely one of life’s truisms. Every family has its problem child.

But it does sow the cynicism seeds when certain parties are involved. 

Routinely, the smugly superior, most vindictive, petty, bilious, tyrannically inclined people in positions of power live the least laudable lives, surrounded by creatures of their same ilk. 

Another old saying is, “Clean your own house first.” 

But then that wouldn’t be any fun, would it?

There’s no power trip in it.

I guess the other part of the challenge is the ability to notice a mess in the first place.

Read the full article here
