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Delaware Supreme Court Sides with University of Delaware, Blocks Release of Joe Biden’s Senate Documents – 1850 Boxes of Senate Records!



Last month Judicial Watch president Tom Fitton announced the Supreme Court of Delaware will hear arguments in their FOIA lawsuit for Biden’s hidden senate records currently stored at University of Delaware.

The University of Delaware refuses to release Biden’s records and said that the papers will not be released until two years after Biden retires from public office.

“The collection of former Vice President Biden’s senatorial papers is still being processed, with many items yet to be cataloged,” an email from a school spokeswoman said. “The entire collection will remain closed to the public until two years after Mr. Biden retires from public life.”

Judicial Watch and the Daily Caller News Foundation initially filed a FOIA lawsuit in 2020 for all of Biden’s senate records – 1,850 boxes of records.

The Delaware Supreme Court on Thursday sided with the University of Delaware and blocked the release of Joe Biden’s Senate records, The Daily Caller News Foundation reported.

Judicial Watch boss Tom Fitton said Congress should get involved.

“The public has a significant interest in these documents,” Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton told the DCNF. “If the Delaware courts are going to protect Biden from having to produce them or the secret deal that keeps them away from the American people, then Congress should get involved.”

Biden doesn’t want his senate records unsealed because there would be evidence of a sexual assault complaint filed by Tara Reade in 1993.

Biden sexual assault accuser Tara Reade

Reade has repeatedly called on Biden to release the records from his 36 years as a senator, which are currently inaccessible to the public and are kept at the University of Delaware.

Joe Biden also spoke to Vladimir Putin while he was serving as a senator – what did then-Senator Joe Biden discuss with Putin?

“The sketchy secrecy on the Biden Senate records and his deal with the University of Delaware need to end,” said Judicial Watch President Tom Fitton. “And President Biden could end the dispute by simply releasing the details about his Senate records. What is Biden hiding?”

You can support Tom Fitton and Judicial Watch by clicking here.

Read the full article here
