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Was the Government Secretly Salting Clo…Hey! That’s CRAZY Talk!



This was one of those stories that I would have had you breaking out your tin foil hat for a few years ago. Or, likewise, you well could have been (and rightly so) accusing me of picking up one too many copies of the “Oprah Gives Birth to Alien Baby!” scandal rags at the checkout and then trying to pass the information off as gospel.

Alas. Here we are.

“Beege,” you ask with some trepidation. “Where is here?”

Sadly, I must inform you that we are in San Francisco, surreptitiously shooting salt crystals into the atmosphere in a Scientific™ attempt to tame the climate and reflect sunlight away..


Yup. That’s what they were doing. Right smack dab in the middle of a major American city.

A weird experiment in climate modification is underway in the Bay.

On Tuesday morning, a group of scientists launched a stream of microscopic salt particles into the sky off the deck of a decommissioned aircraft carrier in Alameda, on the eastern shore of San Francisco Bay.

Only, kinda, the problem being, they didn’t tell anyone. Because, see, yeah – we’re all gonna die because of climate change and boiling. But rational people still might object to actively shooting random crap into the atmosphere in order to produce a theoretical reaction. “Theoretical” means “they hope” for a certain result. They don’t know for sure. 

The climate cult sneaks were really worried that if the public got wind of the plans, some cranky pants would try to shut the whole thing down before the salt even got loaded into the cannons. Those were onboard the old aircraft carrier anchored in the city harbor.


So mum’s the word, because “touchy.”

…The test marked the country’s first outdoor experiment to limit global warming by increasing cloud cover to reflect more sunlight away from the Earth. The fact that very few people knew about it beforehand reflects how touchy geoengineering projects still are despite the growing interest in them as a potential way to slow global warming, reports Corbin Hiar for POLITICO’s E&E News.

The Coastal Atmospheric Aerosol Research and Engagement, or CAARE, project, led by researchers at the University of Washington, kept a tight lid on the project details. That was out of concern “that critics would try to stop them,” reported The New York Times, which, along with the San Francisco Chronicle, was granted exclusive access to cover the initial firing of the spray cannons.

(Their concerns may have been well founded; more information is not necessarily conducive to fostering community support, as a new poll out today by opponents of the once secrecy-shrouded “California Forever” development points out.)

Imagine that! More information about half-assed Science™ experiments not being “conducive” to fostering community support. Whoda thunk?


And my goodness – the concept of “transparency” seems to have completely escaped these probable Nobel laureates because, in no way, shape, or form does their definition resemble any I’ve ever heard before. Visitors to the carrier Hornet will be able to view a secret experiment they don’t even realize is happening!!!


…The secrecy surrounding the landmark experiment seems to have been by design, according to The New York Times, which, along with a local newspaper, was granted exclusive access to cover the initial firing of the spray cannons.

“The idea of interfering with nature is so contentious, organizers of Tuesday’s test kept the details tightly held, concerned that critics would try to stop them,” the Times reported. The White House also distanced itself from the experiment, which is being conducted with the cooperation of a Smithsonian-affiliated museum.

The project team has touted its transparency, noting that visitors to the USS Hornet, which now serves as a floating museum, will be able to view the experiment.

And the weirdest thing is how divorced from reality this entire community is. They have fallen so far off the bubble, that no one had any questions about “transparency” or withholding information from the public when conducting this “experiment” in the very heart of the metropolitan area.

You know when they worried about it?

For Phase Two – when they build a pier a mile out in the Pacific in a “coastal environment” to try this again.

“Oh, gosh,” some of the peer reviewers of the project’s paper worried – maybe we should ask the neighbors what they think, whether they have a clue or not.

…The CAARE project is part of a larger coastal study that the University of Washington consortium is planning to pursue. The second phase of that effort would take place on a pier around a mile offshore in a coastal environment, according to a study description the school released Monday.

While a peer review of that proposal was generally positive, the scientists also flagged some transparency shortcomings.

“One reviewer noted that it would help to have more information on the site location,” said a Washington-University-commissioned report. “Is there local resistance or concerns (whether founded or unfounded) around issues like local air quality, etc.? How many options exist, and how do different options affect the field study plan?”

The utter and complete arrogance is mind-blowing. A ship in the harbor surrounded by nothing but teeming masses of humanity is no big deal, but God forbid people concerned about fishes a mile off-shore don’t know you’re playing Mad Scientist™ games. Priorities for these Malthusian enthusiasts are pretty clearly defined, as are those for the elected officials who approved this.

You’ll be shocked and amazed that these conniving climate cult-captured brainiacs were also just a wee bit loose goosey on the possible downside of the cannons-off-the-bow Science™ experiment.

They’re really good at gaming stuff on a computer but not so hot on the “what if it all goes wrong” side. 

The study plan also made no mention of its potential ecological impacts, a key consideration recommended by a 2022 Biden administration marine cloud brightening workshop. That’s a significant oversight, according to Greg Goldsmith, the associate dean for research and development at Chapman University.

“History has shown us that when we insert ourselves into modification of nature, there are always very serious unintended consequences,” said Goldsmith, who studies the implications of climate change for plant structure and function. “And therefore, it would be prudent to listen to what history has shown and look for consequences.”

Now, this group is waiting with bated breath and simply can’t wait to see how the public reacts to finding out they’ve had more surprises sprung on them in the name of preventing objections or public input. Or is it that the barn door was closed after the salt horse shot out?

I don’t know – pick your metaphor. They all apply.

…“Since this experiment was kept under wraps until the test started, we are eager to see how public engagement is being planned and who will be involved,” said Shuchi Talati, the executive director of the Alliance for Just Deliberation on Solar Geoengineering, a nonprofit that seeks to include developing countries in decisions about solar modification.

It’s absolutely classic that they’re going in with the attitude of explaining WHY they surreptitiously ALREADY RAN an experiment with the potential to harm the public and/or environment, as opposed to asking for permission to do so, allowing the impacted public a voice.

Considering how crappy their data is going in, it should really worry people that these freaking lunatics have carte blanche to set up, apparently wherever they choose. And then proceed to fire whatever they choose into the atmosphere. 

Or dump God knows what into our water, right? 

I mean, who would even know because it’s a big secret. 

What else are they doing to “save” the planet we haven’t heard about?

Read the full article here
