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Watch: Biden Doubles Down on Illegal Immigration in Baltimore Bridge Speech



Joe Biden doubled down on his support for illegal aliens during his remarks on the Baltimore Bridge disaster Friday.

“I was just briefed by the unified [emergency] command about the ongoing impact of this tragic collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge last Tuesday. The damage is devastating. And our hearts are still breaking,” Biden began.

Eight — eight! — construction workers went into the water when the bridge fell. Six lost their lives. Most were immigrants, but all were Marylanders — hard-working, strong, and selfless. After pulling a night shift fixing potholes, they were on a break when the ship struck. Just seconds before, one of the men, named Carlos, who was only 24, left a message for his girlfriend. Here’s what it said: ‘We just poured cement. We’re waiting for it to dry,’ he said,” Biden continued.

“We’ll never forget the contribution these men made to this city. We’re going to keep working hard to recover each of them. And, you know, my vow is that we will not rest, as Carlos said, until the cement has dried and the entirety of a new bridge, a new bridge,” he added.

There is no evidence the migrants were legal migrants, but there is evidence that they were illegal aliens.

Todd Schulte, president of the immigration advocacy group, posted a statement praising Biden’s speech:

Last week’s terrible tragedy on the Francis Scott Key Bridge once again brought into sharp relief the enormous risks and countless contributions that undocumented [illegal migrant] members of our communities make every single day, all across our country. We’re glad to see President Biden meeting with their families and loved ones – and we agree with their families that it is essential to honor their memories is by providing protections from deportation and expanding work authorization so that more people can stay safe and together with their loved ones.

Watch Biden’s full remarks:

Read the full article here
