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Globalists Unite! Pope Francis Meets With Bill Clinton & Alex Soros



Footage out of Vatican City shows Pope Francis meeting with former U.S. President Bill Clinton and globalist billionaire George Soros’ son Alex.

Video of the meetup is going viral as citizens around the world note globalism is operating in front of our very faces.

The Pope and Clinton traded gifts with Pope Francis giving the former president a statue of a woman holding a dove, allegedly representing “a work for peace.”

Clinton’s gift to Pope Francis was a tray with the United States seal on it along with a personal note.

The meeting itself was private and no details were provided to the press.

As The Gateway Pundit notes, this meeting took place a week after the Pope welcomed photographer Andres Serrano to the Vatican.

Serrano created a controversial piece of “art” called, “Piss Christ,” where he dunked a model Jesus Christ on the crucifix in his own urine.

This elitist gathering simply provides more proof of a global cabal secretly making decisions that shape our world.

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