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Shocking Development: Scotland’s First Minister Humza Useless Being Reported for ‘Hate Crimes’



Here I’d about given up hope, but it turns out there just might be a wee bit of piss and vinegar left in the Scots yet.

April 1, besides being the fool’s day, is the day Humza Useless…sorry. Misspelled that. April 1 was the day that Humza YOUSAF – son of a Pakistani immigrant, married to a Hamas-supporting wife of Palestinian extraction, perpetual victim of racism, and First Minister of Scotland – saw his preciously shepherded, widely-sweeping hate crime legislation come into effect.

Legislation so all-encompassing that thoughts, gestures, and even squints someone in selective and protected victim classes perceives as being motivated in any measure by malice are now chargeable offenses.

…But what if you’re not “hateful?” What if you’re just a normie going about life, expressing your opinion, perhaps thoughtlessly making a wee joke, God forbid, in public?

Best check the helpful list the Scottish constabulary has put together before you open your piehole. Or squint in someone’s direction.

Because it’s not what you thought you said, but what someone thought they heard that’ll be what gets you.

Then again, maybe it wasn’t even spoken. Maybe someone merely interpreted a glance in their direction as “cruel eyes.”

That counts, too, you know. Better watch your eyeballs.

ANYTHING they thought they took as being motivated by “ill-will.” [Word Doc]

Yes, this is this man’s shining achievement. A man so motivated by justice for the downtrodden, marginalized, and oppressed that he was unafraid to stand before his fellows in Parliament and rip into Scotland itself for racism.


It became practically an epithet coming out of his poor little mouth.

…He said in the clip: “Some people have been surprised or taken aback by my mention on my social media that at 99 percent of the meetings that I go to, I am the only non-white person in the room.

“Why are we so surprised when the most senior positions in Scotland are filled almost exclusively by people who are white?

“Take my portfolio, for example. The Lord President? White. The Lord Justice Clerk? White. Every High Court judge? White. The Lord Advocate? White. The Solicitor General? White? The chief constable? White. Every deputy chief constable? White. Every assistant chief constable? White. The head of the Law Society? White. The head of the Faculty of Advocates? White. And every prison governor? White.”

Mr Yousaf argued the same was true of some senior positions in the Scottish NHS, social work, trade unions and “every director general” of a Scottish government department.

Racist Scotland and all those white people Yousaf had to tolerate in desks about him.

Although, when you stop to think about it – and obviously Useless hadn’t, as he seems to be as surprised as anyone…how racist could the place be when the population is almost 96% WHITE WHITE WHITE as the driven snow, and they wound up with a brown Pakistani as their leader?


Yousaf expanded his campaign for victimhood to communities who needed his protection – LGBwhatevers, immigrants (legal or otherwise), Muslims, the disabled, et al – everyone was welcome under the warm, protective embrace the Scottish government was about to enfold them in except? Normies, particularly if they were white.

J.K. Rowling is a normie. She thinks murderous men in dresses insisting they are female who want to be incarcerated with wymmins should remain in the men’s hoosgow. Rowling also has the unmitigated temerity to call non-felonious men in dresses who demand female privileges and pronouns “men.” This used to merely cause deep emotional angst and frustrated gnashing of teeth. Such emotional suffering by the poor lads, according to the alphabet-soup sex lobby.

Now, thanks to Humza Yousaf’s law, not indulging these mentally ill tantrums is a legitimate arrest-worthy harassment offense. 

Rowling’s “You are MEN” comments were gleefully reported the second the act became official. To which she replied, “Go ahead and arrest me.”

They didn’t.

Bluff called.

What’s been happening at the same is such a shriek, and so telling. God almighty – the virtue-signaling Left just goes into meltdown when they can’t stomp all over people.

Humza Yousaf had himself a cow. He literally blew a gasket when there was no perp walk for Rowling.

…Yousaf hit out at JK Rowling claiming her tweets regarding transgenderism are “offensive, upsetting and insulting to trans people.” 

However, he stopped short of labelling the authors words a hate crime, after Police Scotland said no action would be taken over her ‘misgendering’ tweets…

You have to wonder if all that umbrage at Rowling was purely out of concern for the poor trangenders being called what they biologically are? Or was something deeper at play? 

Something personal?

Like…schmaybe…having more “hate crime” reports being filed against Yousaf than Rowling?

Ooo, that’ll leave a mark.

Humza Yousaf humiliated as he gets ‘more hate crime law complaints than JK Rowling’

The SNP leader has reportedly been reported to the police more than the Harry Potter author under the controversial new legislation.

Humza Yousaf has reportedly been hit with more complaints than JK Rowling under the SNP’s controversial new hate crime laws. More than 3,000 complaints have been made to police since the legislation came into force on Monday.

A police source said the Scottish First Minister received more hate crime reports about a speech he made to Holyrood in 2020 than the Harry Potter author got over her trans comments.

The source told The Sun: “A lot of those complaints were about Humza Yousaf, on the same complaint about his parliamentary rant. JK Rowling has had some, but not as many as Humza Yousaf.

Complaints about the Scottish First Minister relate to a speech he made in Holyrood in June 2020 following the death of George Floyd in the US. The killing sparked the Black Lives Matter protests.

It also probably stings a bit that people are pointing out Yousaf’s nasty little speech – garnering him a “What a blatant racist!” from Elon Musk – was safely delivered before this ghastly legislation went into effect. Snuck it in under the wire. Cagey politician, that Useless.

…David Campbell Bannerman, chairman of the Conservative Democratic Organisation, told the Express this week that the First Minister “must be relieved” to have delivered the speech before his new law came into effect.

He added: “Being anti-white is just as racist as other forms of racism and is just as unacceptable.

“These SNP nationalist socialists are a danger to all our freedoms and are spreading anti-white and anti-English hatred through their extremism and idiocy.”

The SNP has run amok across Scotland, with Scots rolling over every time, and I guarantee they believed this would be no different. Yet suddenly, there are stirrings and mutterings in the formerly malleable ranks and visible signs of rebellion. 

Yousaf has to be apoplectic with fury at being a target of his own targeting.

As one wag put it, Yousaf has finally managed to unite Scots against the SNP and Greens with one craptastic, fascist bill.

Now do something.

Read the full article here
