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Brits Being Kicked Out of Homes to House Refugees



Insane. Unbelievable. Evil.Civilizational suicide. Malicious. Stupid. Mindbogglingly obtuse.

Pick your description, but the reality will literally smack you in the face and make you ill. Or at least it did me. 

As the British Ministry of Defence downsized (stupidly, of course), they began renting out surplus housing units to Brits to help alleviate the (government-caused) housing crisis. 

A reasonable move in a country with more people than can be housed comfortably or affordably. 

Yet UK leaders keep importing migrants, and they need to find a place to house them. Where else to look other than where British citizens were living? 

Compassion demands that the Brits leave to make room for their replacements. 

Dozens of families are being thrown out of their homes after Ministry of Defence (MoD) officials took the decision to evict them from former service properties with just two months’ notice, amid concerns the properties could be used to house newly arrived Afghan refugees.

Pensioners and parents with young children are being forced to look for new rental accommodation after being told by the MoD it was “disposing” of their homes, built near former military camps in Hampshire.

Tenants say the decision has caused “deep distress” and will lead to the break up of a “pleasant and thriving community”.

The decision to evict the families from their homes in the village of Bordon is one of a number around the country planned by the MoD for properties that have previously been rented out to non-service personnel.

It comes as redundant Armed Forces accommodation is being used to temporarily house hundreds of families evacuated from Afghanistan and given settled status in the UK after the Taliban regained control – including East Camp in St Athan, Vale of Glamorgan, RAF Wethersfield in Essex and service homes at Larkhill and Shrivenham, in Wiltshire. The MoD denies there are similar plans for Bordon.

Coryne Hall, the Royal author and historian, who is being evicted with her husband Colin from their four-bedroom home in Bordon, said the move was “disgraceful”.

That puts an exclamation point on the matter, doesn’t it? The Royal author and historian is being kicked out to make room for refugees. 

I guess they call Afghanistan the graveyard of empires for a reason. The British Empire is dying in its homeland. 

As I wrote earlier today, it is now almost impossible to build new housing in Great Britain because there isn’t any spare capacity on the grid. So it’s unclear where these people are supposed to go. 

Now I have no issue with the concept of helping out Afghanis who risked their lives to help the West fight the Taliban (how did that work out, Biden?), but it seems beyond obvious that kicking Brits out of their homes is a…suboptimal solution. 

How about manufactured housing, for instance? It’s not like the technology to rapidly construct reasonably comfortable housing for refugees is outside our ken. 

But just as New York City provides more resources to illegal aliens than to disabled veterans, the UK government has its eye firmly fixed on helping non-citizens at the expense of their own. 

The first Mr and Mrs Hall and the other families knew of the plan to force them to move was when they received a Notice to Quit from the MoD’s Defence Infrastructure Organisation (DIO), posted on March 19.

DIO gave them until 22 May to vacate their homes in Bordon, close to Bordon military cemetery and a short drive from Bordon and Longmoor British Army training camps.

It is understood that serving forces personnel who live in nearby properties are not being forced to move.

The Halls are appealing against the eviction, pointing out that they have paid the £1,320 monthly rent on their four-bedroom home six months in advance, for the period until August, despite the two-month termination clause.

Mrs Hall told The Telegraph: “This came totally out of the blue and was a total shock to all of us.

I would ask “What is WRONG with the government,” but that question is almost redundant. The answer is obvious: “Everything.”

Ironically, the push to rapidly expand immigration in the West is largely due to the falling birthrates that put our societies at risk of collapse. Immigrants must be imported to keep the economy going and take care of the aging populations. 

But this policy is insane. Falling birthrates were exactly what the elites wanted for decades. It was “green.” There was a population crisis. The “population bomb.” Birth control, abortion, and all sorts of antinatalist policies were implemented, and the results have been disastrous. 

Of course, they have. 

Immigration at these levels is clearly not the solution. Nor is “green energy” or any of the other policies the elite are pushing. They are just crushing people even more than they have. 

We are witnessing the fall of a civilization, and until the problem hits people’s doorsteps, they deny it is happening. We grew up in a thriving society. How can it all be crashing down?

It was predictable. It was predicted. I and others told people so. And still people trusted the Establishment. 

And here are the results. People are kicked out of their homes because they have the wrong ethnic background: British. In their own homeland. 

The Tories are going to crash and burn in the coming election–likely November. And they will deserve every seat lost, and more. They deserve extinction. 

But who will replace them? Labour, which started this process under Tony Blair, who is moderate compared to today’s Labour Party. 

Britain is toast. We are going to follow them sometime soon unless something serious happens. 

Read the full article here
