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McCaskill: DeSantis ‘Unelectable’ Because Most of Americans Love Someone LGBTQ



MSNBC political analyst Claire McCaskill said Wednesday on “Deadline” that 2024 hopeful Gov. Ron DeSantis (R-FL) was “way out of step” with most of Americans views on LGBTQ issues because they have a loved one in that group.

Guest anchor Ayman Mohideen asked, “The DeSantis campaign rapid response director tried to downplay the criticism by saying that opposing pride month isn’t homophobic because, and I quote, ‘We wouldn’t support a month to celebrate straight people for sexual orientation either. It is unnecessary and divisive pandering,’ which is what we’ve heard from racists when you want to talk about celebrating black history month. We don’t have a month to celebrate white history. What are these attempts to mask his homophobia really tell us about Ron DeSantis?”

McCaskill said, “There are two things that you need to become president of the United States that are absolutely essential. You must have a burning desire to win because it is really hard. And secondly, you must temper that with the judgment of a leader. Now, the second part is where DeSantis is AWOL. This is such bad judgment. First of all, clearly the only thing that he’s trying to win is a one-on-one race against Donald Trump which represents a small slice of the electorate. In the process of trying to just grab away a few votes from Donald Trump to win a primary, he’s digging himself a hole so deep with the rest of America he will end up being just as unelectable as I believe Donald Trump is.”

She added, “I mean most of America loves someone who is gay, or trans, or lesbian. Most of America has a loved one, they do not want these people marginalized and hated and put in ugly ads like this. This is not in step with America. This is way out of step with America. So, I think it shows what bad judgment he has. I think it is another nail in the coffin of his campaign. He has stutter started this thing, and he fails every time he tries to take a step forward, he takes two steps back.”

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