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Boxing Champion Ryan Garcia Tells Alex Jones Elites Used Electroshock Therapy To Try & Erase His Memory



During a riveting X Spaces conversation focusing on the upcoming solar eclipse, Infowars founder Alex Jones briefly talked with former lightweight boxing world champion Ryan Garcia about the fighter’s recent claims about the Bohemian Grove.

Garcia claimed earlier this month he’d been physically restrained and forced to watch a group of “elite” pedophiles rape children at the Bohemian Grove, where Jones famously recorded the world’s most powerful people performing a mock sacrifice ritual.

“Can you elaborate on what you said a month ago when you said you were tied down and saw something happen at Bohemian Grove?” Jones asked Garcia on Thursday.

The pro boxer said he is “going to Congress” with his story and is “working closely with people at the front lines who understand what I went through.”

“Bohemian Grove is not the only place they do this at, they do it everywhere,” Garcia added, saying he cannot currently release the information he has because he’s being cautious due to the high-profile people allegedly involved in his experience.

Later, Garcia asked Jones if he believes technologies exist that could wipe someone’s memory, and the Infowars host quickly detailed how electroshock therapy can give a subject brain damage and erase memories.

Jones said if a person were to be given electroshock “treatments” directly after going through a tragic event, they could have their memories erased.

“Well, I’ll tell you they tried to do it to me,” Garcia said. “It did not work. God carried me through it all. They tried, but you gotta be aware God is the one that rules over all.”

Speaking out to some of his haters online, Garcia told them they wouldn’t be the same if they’d gone through what he’s allegedly been through.

Jones then told Garcia about the disturbing CIA-funded MKUltra experiments of Dr. D. Ewen Cameron, who used electroshock on thousands of children and adults in violation of the Nuremberg Code despite taking part in the Nuremberg trials himself.

The fighter claimed he has handwritten notes after being “drugged” by the group of people he has yet to name that show he was having to jot down ideas because he was forgetting things so quickly.

Garcia explained, “I would say something and then I would forget the next second. It was fucking wild. And, I actually have proof of me writing notes to myself, ‘Why can’t I remember anything?’”

The claims are reminiscent of allegations made by Kanye West, who revealed in 2022 a text message from his personal trainer Harley Pasternak threatening to “institutionalize” and forcibly drug him if he continued talking about “crazy stuff.”

“I’m going to help you one of a couple ways,” Pasternak wrote. “First, you and I sit down and have an loving and open conversation, but you don’t use cuss words, and everything that is discussed is based in fact, and not some crazy stuff that dumb friend of yours told you, or you saw in a tweet.”

“Second option, I have you institutionalized again where they medicate the crap out of you and you go back to Zombieland forever. Play date with the kids just won’t be the same.” 

Pasternak told Ye he’d be institutionalized “again” because he had the rap star hauled off in an ambulance in 2016 for “acting erratically.”

Pasternak has trained stars such as Lizzo, Lady Gaga, Rihanna, Halle Berry, Katy Perry, Jessica Simpson, Hillary Duff, Megan Fox and many others.

Pasternak worked as a scientist in the Canadian military in the 90s, testing “different drugs and foods on soldiers ability to run faster, jump higher, and stay awake longer.”

The branch he worked under is involved in psyops and previously funded the controversial MK-Ultra experiments.

The military scientist background is interesting for someone accused of using drugs to control the celebs he trains.

Some of Pasternak’s former clients had mental breakdowns or died under suspicious circumstances, such as Mac Miller and Brittany Murphy.

During a podcast, Pasternak described his military research where he “wasn’t governed by the same laws that the typical person was,” saying, “I could look at the impact of certain drugs that are not every day things.”

The ruling class wants celebrities to be controllable assets they can discard if they become liabilities.

Read the full article here
