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Trump Blasts NBC, Chuck Todd over Ronna McDaniel Saga



Former President Donald Trump published some thoughts about former RNC chair Ronna McDaniel’s hiring and firing at NBC News. He used Truth Social, the social media company he founded when he was shut out of Twitter in the pre-Elon Musk days. Soon that company will make Trump a billionaire. 

There has been much written about NBC News acting like a real news outlet and hiring a real Republican as a political analyst, a paid contributor, instead of the usual Never Trump Republicans the network hires. This brief journey into saneness didn’t last long. The left soon lost its mind.

The most unseemly of all the screeching from the left and their Never Trump travelers was the public grousing by NBC and MSNBC hosts. Since when does the on-air paid help make personnel decisions? The employees were not disciplined, apparently, and the network poobahs retreated. They let Ronna McDaniel go instead of honoring her contract. 

For years, it has been apparent that there is no attempt to provide fair and balanced political shows. This episode exposes the raw partisanship in NBC News’ coverage. It’s worse than we thought. 

Ronna was interviewed on Meet the Press on Sunday. After that, former MTP host Chuck Todd was participating on a panel. He told the current host, Kristen Welker, that NBC owes her an apology for hiring McDaniel. What a pompous twit. Welker kept nodding her head in agreement with his rant. 

Trump pointed to Chuck Todd as the person who led the revolt of other on-air personalities. He trashed him on Truth Social.

Trump was right – why is Chuck Todd running the network? The word is that Ronna signed a six-figure two-year contract that she will receive, said to be $300,000 per year. She has retained an experienced lawyer in dealing with networks and I hope she sues the crap out of everyone she can.

Imagine being hired to give your political opinions about Republicans and party politics because you are the former chair of the RNC. Then all your new colleagues went ballistic and publicly demanded your bosses fire you. Also, they said you won’t be a guest on any of their shows. It’s unthinkable. It certainly wasn’t how Michael Steele was treated as a former RNC chairman. He quickly jumped on the Never Trump bandwagon in exchange for a gig at MSNBC. 

It is crazy that the cocoons in liberal and progressive television are so tightly held that even the thought of a Republican in good standing isn’t allowed to voice an opinion that would offer viewers another side of an argument. ABC News hired Reince Priebus. former RNC chair and Trump chief of staff, as a panelist on its Sunday morning show. He goes up against Donna Brazile, former DNC co-chair. George Stephanopoulos hosts that show. He worked on Bill Clinton’s presidential campaigns and in Clinton’s White House. 

Trump posted that the whole situation put Ronna in NEVER NEVERLAND. 

He thinks she caved to them. I listened to her MTP interview and I thought she did ok. Granted, I’m not her biggest fan. But, she held her own against Welker, a Democrat contributor. It was the only time she spoke on air since signing the contract. She wasn’t allowed to sit on a panel and show what kind of contribution she would make before she got the hook. Was there no show that would book her?

Hugh Hewitt offered his opinion on his friend’s situation.

‘Ronna is going to sue everyone who defamed her for breach of contraction, for intentional inflection of mental distress,’ Hewitt said during an appearance on Fox News. 

‘They’re going to sue for the destruction of her business opportunities that come from being on TV,’ he added. 

‘I think they made a terrible decision and they allowed the MSNBC bleed to take over their network.’

He claimed the ‘cult has taken over the news division.’

Progressive show hosts like Rachel Maddow said that the network showed its hosts respect by backtracking. It did no such thing. The executives have been cowed by their employees. It’s not a show of strength. NBC News is letting the inmates run the asylum. What a disgrace. 

Read the full article here
