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Wuhan II? Colorado Biolab a Ticking Time Bomb



Bags of dead mice dropped on a campus sidewalk. Scratches from rabid animals. Unknown viral samples. Infected blood splashing into researchers’ faces. 

These are just a few of the myriad examples of biosafety breaches that have occurred at a premier biological research lab on the Colorado State campus.

The information obtained through FOIA demands from The White Coat Waste Project is really disturbing, as is the fact that the University of Colorado facility is building a facility to do bat research along with the EcoHealth Alliance, likely parent of the COVID-19 virus. 

  • WCW has uncovered an alarming pattern of recent animal lab accidents at Colorado State University, which is working with the notorious EcoHealth Alliance and the NIH to build a new bat lab and breeding colony.
  • Never-before-seen records obtained by WCW show that from 2020 to 2023, dozens of animal lab accidents with bats, cats, hamsters, and mice exposed CSU staff to coronaviruses, Zika, rabies, Tuberculosis, and other dangerous pathogens that can cause deadly outbreaks.
  • Last year, WCW exposed how $12 million of taxpayers’ money is being wasted by CSU and EcoHealth to build a new lab and import hundreds of bats from Asia to establish a new breeding colony and infect them with deadly viruses, including Ebola and Nipah
  • The new bat lab at CSU is now scheduled to be completed in December 2024

I am a fan of the White Coat Waste Project, although I may be a bit less zealous at times than they are on some issues. They have revealed vital information about dangerous or unnecessarily cruel animal experiments and have more than once generated bipartisan support for reforms. 

Plus, they have caused headaches for Fauci. Anybody who has done that deserves a pat on the back!

The list of mishaps is long and at times scary (infected mice just dropped on a sidewalk for anybody to pick up?), as is the fact that nobody in the larger community has been informed about almost any of them. It has taken the dogged work of activists to pry this information out of the lab. 

Previously released records show that even before 2020, CSU had a history of laboratory accidents with dangerous, deadly, and contagious pathogens like the ones above and others including plague, Brucella, chikungunya, Valley Fever, and Q Fever.  CSU’s bat labs have also been fined for violations of federal animal welfare laws.

Biologists have called CSU and EcoHealth’s plan to import bats “utterly irresponsible” and warned that if any of these non-native bats escaped from CSU it could be disastrous.

CSU’s current bat experiments are receiving millions in taxpayer funding through NIH as well as the National Science Foundation, Department of Energy, Department of Interior, and the Department of Defense’s “Combatting Weapons of Mass Destruction” account.  

Then there is the really scary stuff: the EcoHealth Alliance importing bats into an American city to do viral experiments. Just what the conspiracy theorist ordered to begin worrying about “Disease X,” which we suddenly are hearing a lot about. Personally I doubt that anybody would intentionally cook up a virus in Colorado to intentionally infect people, but we have more than enough experience to know that these mad scientists can’t be trusted to play with viruses. 

All of the reports were included in recorded minutes from meetings of the university’s Institutional Biosafety Committee, which oversees activities and research that involve infectious agents or biological samples at CSU.

Minutes from a May 2020 meeting blame the lab accidents up until that point on the pandemic, with members stating: ‘The increase in incident frequency was discussed by the committee.

‘It seems that an increase in stress due to Covid-19 situations both at home and at work may be impacting them.

‘There is also a mandate to be on campus as little as possible for critical research functions, which may be causing people to rush.’

But documents show that lapses continued to occur through 2023, many of which could have resulted in potentially catastrophic outbreaks.

The university has a student population of nearly 33,000 and the surrounding city, Fort Collins, Colorado, is home to approximately 168,500 people.

In nearly every incident recorded, the public was not notified or made aware of the potential public health risks. 

The EcoHealth Alliance has proven to be about as irresponsible an actor as you can find in biological research. 

As you can find, that is. The worst ones are probably buried deeper in government “research budgets” or third-world countries. But your taxpayer dollars are funding these madmen in white coats, and that should stop right now. 

It won’t, though. As we saw with the COVID-19 origins coverup, the bigwigs in our research funding crowd are determined to ignore the dangers and cover things up when anything goes wrong. 

Doing bat research in the middle of America is, to be blunt, bats**t crazy. 

Read the full article here
