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EXCLUSIVE: “Ciscomani’s Vote Was an Attack on Christianity” – Tucson, AZ Church Disinvites Rep. Juan Ciscomani from Attending Service Following Vote for Spending Package That Funds Abortion, LGBTQ Organizations, and Child Gender Transitions



So-called Republican U.S. Congressman Juan Ciscomani (R-AZ) was recently disinvited from attending a church in his district out of condemnation for his controversial vote in favor of the $1.2 trillion spending bill.

Instead of voting against the bill, which empowers Biden’s border invasion, the Representative of southern border towns in Arizona allocated taxpayer dollars to fund full-term abortion services and transgender youth services, including sex-change surgeries for kids.

Ciscomani was one of the 101 RINOs who voted for the massive spending bill to avert a government shutdown. The bill received more support from Democrats than Republicans.

The vote—286 to 134—had 185 Democrats and 101 Republicans voting ‘yay.’ It was later passed by the Democrat-controlled Senate.

Ciscomani was the only Representative in the Arizona Republican congressional delegation who voted in favor of the bill.

The disastrous omnibus bill does nothing to secure the border while allocating millions of dollars to funding full-term abortions, LGBTQ programs, and youth gender transitioning programs. It also funds the Biden Regime to continue its attack on the Second Amendment with a federal gun-grab operation to keep firearms out of the hands of people who they say “pose a threat to themselves and others.”

This was not at all well-received by conservatives across the nation, especially in the border towns that Ciscomani represents in and around Tucson, Arizona.

“Ciscomani’s vote was an attack on Christianity,” Kimberly McAllister, the wife of The Bridge Church Pastor David McAllister, told The Gateway Pundit. “It was an attack on Christian values, and not just Christian values, conservative values, and on people who care about family and children. You don’t have to be a Christian to hold these values,” she continued while comparing Ciscomani to a “liberal Democrat.

“It was just such an attack on everything that we hold dear: family, life, protection, law and order, the border. I mean, so many things; it was one after the other, but as a church, the cultural issues of the LGBTQ and transgender agenda, the abortion, those are a big thing for us.”

Kimberly McAllister told us that they had allowed candidates, such as GOP U.S. Congressional Candidate Kathleen Winn and GOP Pima County Supervisor candidate Janet Wittenbraker, to attend their services, introduce themselves to the congregation, and even gather signatures for their ballot petitions. When Ciscomani’s team heard about this, his campaign manager contacted McAllister and requested to be “formally introduced,” said Kimberly.

“I thought, okay. If he wants to show up, that’s okay, but I did tell him that we would not be formally introducing him from the stage or anything like that. We only invited him to attend services and just to talk to people on his own, but we wouldn’t really be facilitating that.”

However, due to Ciscomani’s vote in favor of the omnibus spending bill, “we told him that he was no longer welcome,” said Kimberly.

Kimberly and David McAllister are strong conservative ministers who are not afraid to speak out on cultural issues in their church. Kimberly told The Gateway Pundit, “I think it has to start with pastors being willing to stand up and deal with these issues head-on.”

The Bridge Church also has a ministry group with about 100 members called Activism for Christ, which is dedicated to educating on local issues and making “a difference in our culture,” said Kimberly. You can support the mission of The Bridge Church in Tucson here.

More from our conversation with Kimberly McAllister:

Kimberly McAllister: I just feel like for far too long, the church has been told to stay out of politics and that we don’t have a place in that, and this is far beyond politics. This is not politics to us. This is a battle of good against evil, and this is exactly as Christians what we’re told to do. We’re told to be out in the world, shining our light, making a difference, impacting our world, fighting for truth, fighting for what’s good and right. And we’ve all heard the quote, “All that is necessary for evil to prevail is for good people to be silent,” and that’s what the church has been for far too long. They’ve been afraid, they’ve listened to the world, and the world says to be quiet, and they have been. But if Christians and pastors and churches will start to not just step up but lead the way, we could turn everything around. And so at The Bridge, that’s what we’ve tried to do. We try to work really hard to not just go to church on the weekend and get our little teaching and see all our friends, but to really make a difference in the world for Christ.

It is our job to preach the gospel, and that’s what we try to do and we try to help people get right with God, but getting right with God is the first step. The second step in being a Christian is then living right for God. And the Bible is very clear about what that means, living right for God, and so we take that very seriously. And all these issues — the Bible talks about border issues, the Bible talks about law and order, the Bible talks about LGBTQ issues, all of these things, protecting children, it talks about family, it talks about life. And so I guess that I think a lot of it is just a pastor’s willingness to stand up in front of the congregation and teach on all these things, and don’t get me wrong; we don’t get up and teach on all these social issues every single weekend, but when it comes up, when there’s an opportunity, because it comes up in the passage that we’re using, he’s not afraid to speak out, and I just think that a lot of pastors are just afraid. And we’ve lost people, and we’ve been accused of, you know, preaching politics from the pulpit, and we get that all the time, but we don’t care. Because we’re just preaching what the Bible talks about: biblical values and biblical truth. So, I think it has to start with pastors being willing to stand up and deal with these issues head-on, and if you lose people, then you lose people. So be it. They’ll find another church. There’s other churches out there. And then that impacts other people. So many people, because of the teachings that we hear on the weekend, we have wanted to go out into our world and make a difference, and we have many ministries that do that. We have a ministry called Activism for Christ in Tucson, and we do all kinds of things in our city to go out and make a difference in our culture, in our world where they are. And it’s been great, and they love it because a lot of us are tired of just talking about how messed up our world is and how horrible things are, and we want to do something about it. So, we’ve gotten involved and a lot of us have become PCs, and so there’s all kinds of opportunities for us to take advantage of. And it feels good. It feels good to be out there trying to do something to change our world. And then when people step up, that’s when God can get behind it and make the difference because God uses people to fight against evil. You know, he’s just he doesn’t just sit up there and eradicate it. We have to do the hard work. And when we take that first step, then that’s what God uses to make a difference.

Kathleen Winn has stepped up to challenge Rep. Juan Ciscomani in the 2024 Primary Election on July 30. Arizona Congressional District 6 voters can support Kathleen Winn here and sign the petition to get Winn on the ballot here.

Read the full article here
