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Democrats Even Cheat on Each Other: Chicago Announces Existence of 10,000 More Mail-In Ballots that Were “Mistakenly” Not Mentioned Until Now in Cook County State’s Attorney Race (VIDEO)



Democrats continue to make a mockery of our elections.

Chicago Democrats even cheat on each other. And the more radical candidate ALWAYS wins!

Eileen O’Neill Burke was leading the neo-Marxist by nearly 10,000 votes just days ago after the election. Not any more.

Chicago announces the existence of an additional 10,000 mail-in ballots that were “mistakenly” not mentioned until now.

Currently, Eileen O’Neill Burke is leading the radical neo-Marxist candidate Clayton Harris III by just under 4,800 votes.

Look for Eileen’s lead to disappear by morning.

What a complete shock!

ABC News Channel 7 reported this stunning development in the Democrat Primary Race for Cook County State’s Attorney race.

The board said it is working to add more than 10,000 votes to its total count after its director of public information said he mistakenly left out some vote-by-mail ballots.

Chicago Board of Elections Public Information Officer Max Bever released a statement, saying vote-by-mail ballots delivered on Monday, March 18 were left out of the count.

“I traded speed for accuracy in reporting out numbers this week as quickly as I could. I truly regret this error on my part and for the confusion that it has caused the voters of Chicago. I will share updated numbers only when they are accurate and verified,” Bever said.

Bever said additional counting will continue on Sunday with poll watchers from both campaigns in attendance.

Bever continued, “I made an error in reporting the number of Vote By Mail ballots received back on Monday, March 18 before Election Day that should have been included in the ‘received by Election Day’ numbers.

Previously, I reported that 66,399 Vote By Mail ballots were received back and scanned for signature verification by the end of Monday, March 18. I initially reported that 7,009 VBM ballots received back via USPS on Election Day, 3/19/24. This number was incorrect – I only reported on the Vote By Mail ballots received back on Election Day only.

Approximately 9,143 Vote By Mail additional ballots received back on Monday should have been included in this ‘received by Election Day’ number that would be processed and counted after Election Day, March 19.

These Vote By Mail ballots received back Monday, March 18, through Tuesday, March 19, were secured in a receiving cage at 69 W. Washington until they could be run through the Agilis scanning machine for purposes including verifying that those voters had not cast ballots during Early Voting or on Election Day, and to prepare signature specimens for verification. These ballots were inspected, processed and counted by election judges on Friday, March 22, through Saturday, March 23, and are already reflected in the unofficial results at ChicagoElections.Gov.”

This just keeps happening!

According to End Wokeness – Many (if not most) of the ballots are from drop boxes, meaning postmarks are NOT required…

This will have MAJOR implications.

Just 4,000 votes total now separate the 2 candidates in the Cook County State’s Attorney race.

O’Neill Burke (tougher on crime) initially had a significant lead, but ballots keep trickling in & Clayton Harris keeps getting closer.

Read the full article here
