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Fauxny Females All the Rage at Ladies Prisons, Doing Just What You Expect But Are Assured They Don’t



It’s odd how it seems to work out most times that we, the gentle lumbering class, the slow-tops and befuddled stumps wandering the fields of life, are always the first to be chastised for questioning a narrative, yet never get the pat on the head for being right from the beginning.

You know – when the thing we figured would happen and said so, which we were assured could never happen and HOW DARE WE…well…happensRepeatedly.

Take, for instance, men identifying as women who are criminals as well. These criminal men, who may or may not be violent, all insist they have a fundamental right to incarceration in a women’s facility because they enjoy being a girl, intact dangly bits or no.

They feel pretty, and that is rationale enough.

The average rational human immediately thinks, “That’s nuts.” Whether said male still has possession of his or not, the male of the species does not belong in close confinement with the female, period.

Because things happen.

Au contraire, snarl transgender activists and their rabid enablers.


Transgender advocates are fiercely defensive of the indefensible, asserting that #feelingz trump reality, safety, and plain commonsense in every case. Women have no agency in this discussion – only these men and their gender issues do. It is important for the faux-female’s self-esteem and eventual rehabilitation that he mingles with the gender identity group to which he has self-assigned. Cis-creatures, TERFs, and transphobes have no business denying basic human rights. And these trans women are WOMEN. They will have no interest in women other than living as one.


Tough nuts, girls – Fred’s in Cell Block B, sharing a bunk with Beverly.

How’s that going in real-world applications? #Feelingz over fact?

I’m sure the female bunkmate of the trans-identifying double-murderer who was caught doing the nasty with her last week felt no pressure at all to have sex with the murderous male locked in a small room with her 24/7.

Female bonding it’s not.

And the presumed indifference to the female sex seems to be a gross and serious miscalculation on the part of advocates if not outright malevolence.

Do progressives truly hate women this much? And why?

…On her “Gaines for Girls” podcast, Gaines spoke to Ichikawa regarding the controversial standards of housing biological males in all-women’s prisons based on them identifying as females. While the presumption is fairness for transgender prisoners, Ichikawa listed multiple reasons why any man would take advantage of the policy.

“A large percentage of the people who are transferring are individuals the state has a hard time keeping safe because of their status that’s not trans related; status with the gangs, being informants, just very problematic individuals. So they’re coming from these level four men’s prisons, they’re maximum security, and entering women’s general population, which is completely not segregated,” Ichikawa explained.

…Ichikawa previously told Fox News Digital in an interview, “92% of incarcerated women in California have been battered or beaten or are subject to some form of sexual abuse. They’re now forcibly housed with intact male inmates who 33.8% are registered sex offenders. So, to place women in a situation that’s very similar to their initial trauma, many of which led them to their incarceration, is cruel and unusual. And it has caused a lot of complex PTSD symptoms that start up developing in the entire population.” 

It’s not an incident or two, either. It’s a thing.

Europe is having its own problem with the exact same thing. The troubles in the UK’s legal system have been well documented – as well as the vicious insanity of the trans lobby’s attacks on those who protest against it – but even formerly traditional and socially conservative places like Spain are finding out where there’s a willie…there’s now a way.

Spain’s Minister of Family, Youth, and Social Affairs in Madrid is raising alarm bells after locating multiple cases in which men convicted of domestic violence changed their legal gender identity. In a letter issued to the Minister of Equality, Ana Dávila-Ponce de León Municio detailed her concerns that the safety of female victims of violence was at risk due to Spain’s “progressive” approach towards gender identity.

In her letter, issued March 18, Minister Dávila-Ponce de León noted that she had become aware of six cases in the autonomous region of Madrid where men charged with violence against women had changed their legal gender identity — a process that was streamlined and made significantly easier following the enactment of Spain’s “Trans Law” in 2023.

In addition to updating their registered sex, three of the men made requests to stay in women’s shelters with the wives and children who had been escaping from them. So far, concerned staff at the shelters have blocked their access but may be violating the nation’s gender discrimination laws as a result.

…But perhaps most disturbingly, an abuser changing his legal sex has a tremendous impact on the resources the victims are able to access. In one of the cases recently highlighted by El Mundo, a female victim of sexual assault was stripped of the special protection provided for victims of physical and sexual abuse because officials told her that her aggressor, who drugged and raped her in front of her young daughter, “was no longer registered as a man, but as a woman.”

It seems to me, in a world gone mad, this would be one of the easiest fixes.

You’ll never guess when THIS murderer found out he preferred being a girl.

Or maybe you will. The theme of my post kind of gave it away, right?

…Police say the teen called a female friend on Instagram video after the murder and showed off Connors’ body covered in blood and asked for help disposing of it.

When she was arrested Cooper reportedly told cops the murder was an accident and that and she was sorry and scared of going to jail for the rest of his life.

Cooper was initially charged as Joshua Cooper but began transitioning after her arrest, with her lawyer asking the court to call her Ash

The first step is to stop indulging these people. Pronouns, whatever, no more.

No more.

Read the full article here
