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Week Long Seattle Drag Camp for Kids. What Could Go Wrong?



Is there some reason, aside from sexual perversion, that everybody on the Left wants to have kids watch and participate in drag shows?

I have nothing against drag, just as I have nothing against Quentin Tarantino movies, but it seems to me that adults who insist on forcing kids to watch either of them are idiots. Some things are appropriate for children, and some things aren’t. 

The obsession with mixing kids and drag has gone to an extreme, and the Museum of Pop Culture in Seattle appears to be playing with fire by putting on a week-long “Drag Camp” that will mix explicitly sexualized performances and “education” with children as young as 12.

If something goes wrong here–and inevitably it will–the fault will ultimately lay with the parents who subjected their children to this perverted propaganda. 

It will be the parents’ fault because the risks are so obvious. Still, it will also be the fault of the federal and state governments who pour millions into the Museum, and the Board of Directors determined to push the boundaries. 

There’s no question that the drag performers are all about sexual innuendo…and more. Drag is burlesque, after all. It is baffling to me that normal people feel the need to use their children as symbols in a culture war, and that can be the only reason for sending one’s kids to a 5-day Drag camp. Or two of them. 

It would make sense, for a Lefty institution that is drenched in DEI, as is the Museum of Pop Culture, to provide classes like this to interested adults. 

Why not? Cultural institutions are all about transgressiveness these days, and the museum makes clear that it wants to upend Western cultural values and spit in the eye of the bourgeoisie. Whatever. The sun rises in the East, and the Elite hates normal people. So what?

But the focus is always on the kids because kids are their tools to take down Western culture. 

Why does a 12-year-old need this?

Calling all current and future royalty—your invitation to slay is here. Explore self-expression in this camp led by Seattle performer Joshua Hancock and featuring performers Kara Sutra, King Leo Mane, and Mia Moore, where you’ll immerse yourself in drag history, learn hair and makeup techniques, and create your persona with their own name and stage presence. Then, it’ll be time to own the stage in a private showcase to celebrate your new drag identity!

So, what might a performance look like? King Leo Mane, one of the instructors, is the proprietor of and performer at a club, and this is one of the performances he has on Instagram. (Not exactly safe for work).

The Museum is hooking up 12-year-olds with this person. To help them “Explore self-expression” and “celebrate your new drag identity!”

To reiterate: this museum gets substantial funding from governments, and has a Board filled with Seattle’s best and brightest, including Paul Allen’s widow, who founded the museum along with her late husband. 

This is a classic case of grooming–luring kids into a world that is totally inappropriate for children. 

Groomers gonna groom, but taxpayers shouldn’t be paying for it, and the parents should be ostracized for participating in this. 

Instead, all the best people are pushing this and loudly proclaiming its benefits. 


Read the full article here
