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Holder: Media Will Change Coverage to Help Biden Win with Trump as GOP Nominee



Former Attorney General Eric Holder claimed that the mainstream media will shift its coverage of Joe Biden in a much more positive way now that the binary choice between him and Donald Trump has been confirmed for 2024.

When asked by Bill Maher on his HBO show “Real Time” Friday about Biden’s terrible poll numbers among Democrats, his own base, Holder assured him that the media will rally behind Biden to bring him to victory in November.

“What do you make of the fact that the Democrats, by every poll I read, are, I would just say, losing their base?” Maher asked. “If you look at non-white working-class voters, there has been a 61-point shift, that’s an incredible amount, from 2012, that’s in twelve years. Obama, in 2012…I think won it by 67 points, that demographic. Biden won it by 48. Now he’s only up by six. What’s going on there?”

Holder responded that the current political climate 8 months from the election is much different than it will be closer to November, when the media will be much more unified behind Biden.

“I think, first off, you’re measuring March against November. We’re looking at where people are right now, I think you’ll probably see a movement with regard to working-class people of all races towards Biden by the time you get to November,” he explained. “You’re also comparing an extremely — an unbelievably popular African American running for the first time and who really galvanized people in all strata of life. And so, I think, in some ways, that’s not a fair comparison.”

“But I think we should not be too alarmed by these March polls, you’ve got to take them into consideration. But March is a fundamentally different month than October and November, and we’ll see where these things turn out when we get to that part of the calendar year.”

Holder went on to say that the media will hammer Trump’s “age and cognitive issues” and compare them to 81-year-old Biden, “who has actually accomplished a lot.”

Obama’s former AG continued, “There’s work to be done, but I’m actually optimistic that, if we stay committed, focused, and as the media turns its attention to making this a binary choice between a person who’s got some age and cognitive issues — that would be Trump — against somebody who has actually accomplished a lot, I think we’ll do just fine.”

Contrary to the fact most American voters think the country is headed in the wrong direction under Biden, Holder insisted that the public thinks they’re better off now than under Trump.

“Trump’s popularity rating is higher now than it ever was during his presidency. It’s like, hey, America, remember?…People, they’re saying, are you better off now than you were four years ago? You’re damn right we are. So, let’s not lose sight of the chaos, the corruption, and all the negative things that Donald Trump meant and put a good man back in the White House.”

It’s no surprise to hear a former Obama official assure skittish Democrats that the media will shield their presidential candidate as the election approaches, especially given the fact it has already ignored Biden’s ongoing cognitive and physical decline for years, as well as ran interference for the intelligence community over its claim that Hunter Biden’s laptop was Russian disinformation during the 2020 election cycle.

Read the full article here
