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Bummed in Brunswick: When Illegals Slide Into the Shiny New $13M Apartments Your Name Was Already On



There was a little bit of election drama in Maine on Super Tuesday when a SCOTUS ruling paved the way for former president Donald Trump to appear on primary ballots in spite of all the Maine Secretary of State’s best efforts and most malevolent intentions.

To no one’s surprise and local Dems’ consternation, Trump blew the doors off of his challengers there.

Statement from the Maine GOP on Maine’s primary results: 

“The Maine Republican Party wishes to congratulate President Donald J. Trump on his victory in the Maine Republican presidential primary.Mainers clearly rejected Shenna Bellows’ partisan hack efforts to toss Trump off the ballot, and Trump has prevailed.”

A good part of the reason for Trump’s strong support across the very weird Maine political landscape continues to be the building backlash to Biden’s exorable open-borders immigration policy. You can almost hear the MSNBC hags cackling in your head about that, right? Why would Mainers be worried about the border?

Among likely Republican primary voters in Maine, support for former President Donald Trump (R) is strong, and concerns over the border have heavily influenced the candidate many have chosen to back at the ballot box, according to a recent University of New Hampshire (UNH) Survey Center poll.

…Respondents were also asked what the most important issues were to them when deciding who they would be supporting in the primary.

The combined category of “border/immigration” was — by a substantial margin — the most frequently-cited among voters, being named by 79 percent of respondents.

It turns out Maine is up to their eyeballs in illegals. Progressive weirdos in the statehouse and Portland are finding they no longer have carte blanche to wield power as they once did over a supine and unprotesting citizenry. 

The folks living in the ‘burbs and the wilderness have awakened. They are not going to stand for any “New Americans” lipsticking on this illegal invasion pig.

Illegal Immigration: We Are at War

We have leaders – most of them unrepentant Democrats – providing excuses for a thoughtless border policy, shipping unvetted illegals coast to coast, criminals in their midst, depositing them in states ill-equipped to manage their needs or high criminality.

Today, 64 percent of all federal crimes are committed by non-citizens, despite their prevalence of seven percent in the population. Thousands of crimes are committed by them annually, no accountability.

Rather than oppose these immoral policies, and distortion of asylum law, many Democrats favor the flood, placing citizens at physical, mental, and emotional risk, forcing horrors on them, like Laken’s death.

In Maine, unvetted illegals continue to arrive, many likely criminals – shipped up by the federal government and inexplicably “welcomed” as “New Americans” by Maine’s Democrat governor, then loosed to do what they may, some even accommodated in housing intended for homeless veterans.

All hell has been breaking loose since the second week of January when word first surfaced that a newly constructed $13M apartment complex in Brunswick, meant to be affordable homes for “new Mainers” (in a town where the average home price is an unaffordable $450K), and which already had a tapped out waiting list filled with over 250 qualified names was instead going to be given – and given IS the word – to illegals flooding into town from elsewhere.

What does “given” mean, exactly?

Let me count the ways.

…Rent will be paid for the first two years using state funds approved by the legislature. Once tenants can start working, they need to pay 30 percent of their income for rent, according to Developer’s Collaborative.

They come with all their utilities paid, and volunteers have furnished them with donations. Groups are also busy as bees working on schedules for car pools, etc., to transport illegals wherever they need to be for whatever reason. Illegals have basically their own free concierge service to go with a luxury roof over their heads. 

Schweet, no? So schweet they refer to the place as the Taj Mahal.

You can tell who in town thought this was a great idea. Especially the lady who waxed poetically about them working in “the kitchen” and cleaning up. 

Every WASPY elite stereotype is on display here as they gaslight the angry working-class schlubs who were on the waitlist and had the temerity to object in public. They sneer at the fellow with the local accent and rough hands, who points out that any citizen in Brunswick who wants to rent, whatever their social or economic status, has to have tax returns, months of paycheck stubs, and some sort of documentation.

Or they’re denied a lease. For a home they might desperately need.

But now the city plans to “…just fill these places with people who don’t have any of that. They’re not even from here…” He sees it as discrimination.

…What’s going on? AM I TOO WHITE?…”

Ah, the lament. It’s getting to be a standard refrain anymore and one that is increasingly difficult for our betters to deny because it’s true for a certain class of people.

The middle class. The American working class, or what’s left of it.

Guys like the fellow at the podium are too white and too “old” American when the Brahmins they’ve allowed to infest their government are enthralled with the “new” ones.

…The Maine Legislature is currently considering a bill that would establish an “Office of New Americans” which the Mills Administration has said is aimed at helping the state meet its goal of attracting 75,000 new workers over the next five years by facilitating the incorporation of immigrants into Maine’s workforce.

Faulkingham said that state spending is “prioritizing [migrants] over Mainers,” pointing to $35 million of Maine’s Emergency Housing Relief Fund — or 63 percent — being used to house migrants.

“Taxpayers need to know how their money is being spent, this is unacceptable,” the House Minority Leader said.

Sorry, old white Charlie. 

Even the immigrants are working against you when they somehow get a cushy government chair to plop in. 

Military veterans returning to Maine don’t rate any special help, you know, because they already speaka de Anglais.

Yeah. People sound as if they’re pretty fed up. Three general election, likely voter sample polls taken in Maine the week of Feb 5-16th have Trump well up in two of them. In one of those, he’s up by 20 points.

20 points. In Maine.

The numbers broke down to some serious warning signs for POTATUS which he and his toadies will ignore.

Former President Donald Trump surpassed President Joe Biden in a head-to-head matchup in Maine, a state Biden won in 2020, according to the latest poll from the Portland, Maine,-based Pan Atlantic Research.

The poll shows a significant decline for Biden in an area where he previously performed well.

According to that piece, a GOP candidate hasn’t won Maine since 1988 and the elder Bush.

Keep flogging your citizens to death in favor of “New” Americans, and it could easily happen again.

I wonder if Jen Psaki and Rachel Maddow are still giggling.

Read the full article here
