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There’s Shameless – Then There’s the New York Times and Mara Gay



I don’t know if you all remember the summer of 2020 the way I do, but it’s still pretty vivid for many reasons. Most of those reasons have to do with the mind-blowing hypocrisy of it all smack in the middle of the destruction.

How American was confined to quarters, 6 foot distancing, and masks while hordes in cities packed streets during multiple state funerals for the petty criminal whose death lit the fuse. Angry “mourners” chanting for “justice” even as they burned whole sections of cities to the ground at night.

“Fiery but peaceful” remains a meme to this day, highlighting and forever preserving the mainstream media’s never-ending mission to massage the message rather than report the news.

The tragedy of lives lost, the blatant race-baiting and demonization of those who’d gone to help and found themselves in the crosshairs of the mobs – the Dorns, the Rittenhouses. 

The regular people trying to live their lives in neighborhoods that burned to the ground overnight. Who had their only grocery store, pharmacy, or nearest possible place of employment looted and torched in the unabated criminal frenzy, oftentimes by faces they’d never seen in the neighborhood in their lives, and would never see again.

And what about those criminals? 

Where were the police? Why didn’t anyone stop them?

In Minneapolis, police stations went up in flames. In Seattle, too, only they went after the federal courthouse, as well.

All in the throes of sorrow mourning the late George Floyd, we were told. That made it different, we were told.

That made it righteous and long overdue, we were told. You brought this Schlitz on yourselves, we were told, so stand back.

President Trump offered the National Guard to any governor who needed the help – they all sure looked as if they did – but no one would take him up on it.

A frustrated Sen Tom Cotton, watching cities ablaze night after night, wrote an op-ed that was published in the New York Times… 

Send in the Troops

This week, rioters have plunged many American cities into anarchy, recalling the widespread violence of the 1960s.

New York City suffered the worst of the riots Monday night, as Mayor Bill de Blasio stood by while Midtown Manhattan descended into lawlessness. Bands of looters roved the streets, smashing and emptying hundreds of businesses. Some even drove exotic cars; the riots were carnivals for the thrill-seeking rich as well as other criminal elements.

Outnumbered police officers, encumbered by feckless politicians, bore the brunt of the violence. In New York State, rioters ran over officers with cars on at least three occasions. In Las Vegas, an officer is in “grave” condition after being shot in the head by a rioter. In St. Louis, four police officers were shot as they attempted to disperse a mob throwing bricks and dumping gasoline; in a separate incident, a 77-year-old retired police captain was shot to death as he tried to stop looters from ransacking a pawnshop. This is “somebody’s granddaddy,” a bystander screamed at the scene…

…which itself immediately groveled, begging for forgiveness for publishing something so antithetical to the approved and accepted line.

The Times was even ripped up publicly by a member of their own editorial board, a radical race-baiter named Mara Gay.

How DARE the Times print something so DANGEROUS TO BLACK PEOPLE, she railed on Twitter. 



Consistency and integrity are virtues in some circles. So is shame.

Not one of them is anywhere to be found in the vaporous list of positives that might be attached to the hard-core Left – either their politicians or their mouthpieces.

Their memories are fleeting, too. 

If you remember, bail reform, defunding the police, and the subsequent police shortage in New York City have made the subway system there a dangerous mode of transportation. No one in their right mind willingly climbs down into that black hole without being a little nervous about their fellow travelers or flat-out fearing for their life.

Their worthless governor, rather than immediately addressing root causes, took what one supposes she sees as decisive action. Kathy Hochul has turned the NYC subway system into Guatemala City – armed military on every corner, standing guard and digging through passengers’ bags at entry points.

Armed military aka soldiers.


She now thinks that’s just peachy keen.

Bring on the doughboys! She loves a man in uniform.

Soldiers on the streets are SO okey dokey with Ms. Gay at the moment that she spends precious column space soothing ruffled feathers and explaining WHY THEY’RE NECESSARY.


…The announcement wasn’t met with universal praise. Donna Lieberman, the executive director of the New York Civil Liberties Union, blasted the plan, which she said amounted to “ripping a page straight out of the Giuliani playbook.”

Her concern is understandable: In the Giuliani and Bloomberg administrations, the New York Police Department for years conducted millions of illegal street stops, overwhelmingly of innocent young Black and Hispanic men. But that history isn’t a reason to stop the deployment of responsible policing where and when it is needed.

Amazing how the racist gaslighting vanishes into the ether when it becomes inconvenient. It’s as if it had never existed.


Sharp-eyed Strom noticed the embarrassing contradiction. As did any number of other astute observers…

…who had pretty much the same reaction.

Oh, dimwitted, shameless, dishonest – call them what you will. It’s gobsmacking how absolutely unconscious, how oblivious they are to the faults right in front of their own faces. As if they were all vampires looking in a mirror…and perhaps they are. 

Yet we are the problem?

Ms. Gay’s vampiric effect allows her to glide effortlessly past her mirror into the wide world with something so cringeworthy, so blithely unprofessional, and so sanctimoniously hypocritical. 

My mirror, sadly, works fine. The thing is shrieking, “WTF did you just write?!?!?!?” before I even can begin to slither away from it.

I hate getting busted. It’s work.

Ah. “Work.” That could also be another reason for the parade of embarrassing moments at these formerly august media institutions, now peopled with lackluster talents who have cultivated zero work ethics but a real penchant for the emotive.

By this evening, I’m sure it will be racist and rude to have pointed out the discrepancy. 



But you’re not supposed to notice.

Read the full article here
