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Joy Reid: Trump Looks the Same Because He Didn’t Do His Job as President



MSNBC show host Joy Reid thinks that former President Donald Trump doesn’t look as old as current President Joe Biden because when Trump was president, he didn’t do his job. That’s quite a hot take.

Democrats have a real problem on their hands. Not only has Joe Biden failed spectacularly as president but he is old. He is 81 years old – a very old 81. Not to put too fine of a point on it, the president has dementia and we are all supposed to pretend he does not. He looks and acts old. There is nothing anyone can do to change that.

Other people, like former President Trump, age differently. Trump is 77 years old, close to Biden’s age, yet no one is going around saying that he can’t do the job. There are no videos of Trump falling. There are no videos of Trump unable to go up the full stairs to his plane. There are no reports of special shoes that help his balance and avoid falls. And, Trump doesn’t have ever-present notecards in his hands. Trump doesn’t do half-jogs to show how fit he is, either. 

MSNBC was a hot mess on Tuesday night. There isn’t anything new about that. The hosts on the network are assuming roles as speech police. Rachel Maddow was really angry that MSNBC carried Trump’s victory speech at Mar-a-Lago. In her warped mind, Trump should not be given any air time at all on MSNBC. Ever. He’s a lying liar and he’ll keep lying, is the justification she used to deny the former president his First Amendment rights. 

“I will say that it is a decision that we revisit constantly in terms of the balance between allowing somebody to knowingly lie on your air about things they’ve lied about before and you can predict they are going to lie about. And so, therefore, it is irresponsible to allow them to do that. It’s a balance between knowing that that’s irresponsible to broadcast and also knowing that as the de facto, soon to be de facto nominee of the Republican Party, this is not only the man who is likely to be the Republican candidate for president, but this is the way he’s running,” Maddow said. 

Imagine if Fox News Channel decided to not run Biden’s speeches any time he spoke. Trump has just as much right to be heard as Biden. Who is Maddow to decide who is and isn’t shut out of press coverage? Another host spoke up and said that MSNBC should “fact-check the hell out of him.” Maddow said that yes, MSNBC does that but Trump still is broadcast on the network. 

Joy Reid went off on a different tangent. She said that Trump didn’t age in office as presidents typically do because he didn’t do his job. In specific, he didn’t manage the COVID-19 pandemic. He didn’t do the work.

“Donald Trump had one job, he had one crisis,” she said, referring to the COVID pandemic. “And you know what you did? You bolluxed it, completely. You did so poorly at managing your sole crisis, the one hard thing you had to do. The reason he doesn’t look old like Biden looks older, the presidency ages you when you do the job. Obama went gray because he was doing the work. Donald Trump looks the same as when he ran because he was playing golf the whole time.”

That is a breathtaking Trump-deranged rant. Trump received criticism because he did too much during the pandemic. He pushed through a vaccine at record speed, shut down businesses, sent children home to do online learning, and kept Dr. Fauci as the lead person on managing the pandemic. What more could he do? 

The truth is that her guy, Biden, has been away from his job for 40% of his presidency. He took over the pandemic response and doubled down on everything. He kept the country shut down and schools closed far longer than were necessary. He mandated the vaccine to federal employees, including the military. Many people lost their jobs for exercising their right to choose whether or not to be vaccinated. What happened to my body, my choice? Biden hasn’t exactly been a Type A personality when it comes to his work ethic.

Donald Trump seems to work around the clock. He is known to tweet or post on his Truth Social account at all hours of the day or night. His staff talked about receiving calls from him at all hours. He’s not playing golf all the time. What a load of malarkey. 

The delicate women on MSNBC should brace themselves for another four years of Trump in the White House. They can only blame themselves for that. The more MSNBC and other cable networks, along with Democrats in general, go nuts over Trump, the more voters he is winning over. Keep up the good work, ladies!

Read the full article here
