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Adam Schiff Renews Call for Democrats to Pack U.S. Supreme Court With Liberal Justices



It never fails. The minute the U.S. Supreme Court rules in a way that angers the left, Democrats immediately start calling to pack the court with liberal justices.

When they don’t get their way, their first instinct is to change the rules.

Adam Schiff is the latest high profile Democrat to make this demand.

The Washington Examiner reports:

Adam Schiff leads call to pack Supreme Court with liberals

Calls to pack the Supreme Court with liberal justices grew louder over the weekend when partisan Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) put out a new call to “expand, unstack, and reform” the highest court in the land.

In an email to supporters of his Senate campaign, Schiff said, “We must unpack the court by expanding the number of justices on the court, instituting term limits, and enacting a code of ethics like every other federal court.”

Liberal lawmakers have been upset with the court ever since President Donald Trump put three conservatives on it. Since then, there have been demands to retaliate by adding more justices to water down the GOP majority.

Most Americans, however, oppose court packing, and even President Joe Biden has been reluctant to join in the call. A survey from the Heartland Institute and Rasmussen Reports a year ago found that 55% oppose adding more justices.

Democrats, however, appear in favor. That survey, following the court’s decisions to end Roe v. Wade and expand gun rights, said that 64% of Democrats want to add four more justices to the nine on the bench today.

See Schiff’s tweet below:

Ilhan Omar agrees because of course she does.

Lots of people on the left agree. This tweet sums it up perfctly:

They’re so predictable.

Read the full article here
