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Even SNL is Talking about Joe Biden’s Age Now



You can tell we’ve turned a corner when even Saturday Night Live is willing to take a shot at the ways in which Democrats are trying to protect President Biden from questions about his age and activity level. The gag here is not Biden himself but the comical ways in which those around him keep claiming that, behind closed doors, Biden is a completely different person from the frail and aging guy we can all see on television.

The show lampooned the myriad allies of President Joe Biden who have defended him vociferously against critics who suggest he may be too old to run again for the highly demanding job of US president. Some of those voicing concerns have said they worry in particular about Biden’s cognitive abilities after a series of verbal stumbles.

But members of Biden’s team have insisted that when he’s not in the spotlight, the president is as sharp as a tack — an assertion that “SNL” took to humorous excess on Saturday.

“Behind closed doors, Joe is incredible,” said cast member Michael Longfellow playing the role of California’s Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, in response to an interview question from CNN anchor Dana Bash — played by Heidi Gardner — about mounting public concern over Biden’s age…

This is a Joe Biden, we learn, who when outside of the public eye is quickly dispatching all comers in speed chess, besting NBA player Draymond Green (“SNL”’s Devon Walker) of the Golden State Warriors at pickup basketball and trouncing the members of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in a pushup contest.

This shot from SNL came only a day after a NYTimes-Sienna poll found an overwhelming majority of Americans think Biden is just too old to be president.

According to the poll’s results, 73% of all registered voters believe Biden is too old to be effective, in turn revealing spreading concerns about the 81-year-old president’s mental competency.

Among those who voted for Biden in 2020, 61% believe Biden’s age will make him an ineffective president for a second term, with 26% indicating that they strongly agree and 35% indicating that they somewhat agree.

Here’s the open of this weekend’s show.

Of course not everyone found it funny. Deadline published a story scolding SNL for going for the obvious joke.

Even with Ego Nwodim coming on as White House Press Secretary Karine Jean-Pierre, this felt like another one of those very forced SNL cold opens. You know, the ones where they are trying to be so topical and so ripped from the headlines that it ends up with shards of humor at best…

Somebody needs to tell Lorne Michaels that Biden age jokes and the adulation of his behind-the-Oval Office-doors wisdom, stamina and command of policy by Democrats are not worth anywhere near dime a dozen this election year at this point.

Granted, the clip isn’t the funniest thing I’ve ever seen but it had a couple good lines. I think the main thing is just that SNL is finally acknowledging something that everyone has been talking about for nearly a year. Since the release of the Hur report, it’s just too front and center for them to ignore it anymore. The key line was Heidi Gardner as Dana Bash saying “With all due respect, it doesn’t fit reality.” That’s where we are now as a culture. Unless something changes, most Americans are convinced Biden is too old for the job.

Finally, the real Dana Bash happened to be interviewing the real Sec. Mayorkas Sunday morning. At the end of their conversation she asked him about the SNL skit. Mayorkas had one prepared line but after that seemed pretty uncomfortable being put on the spot about the zeitgeist surrounding Joe Biden’s age and fitness.

Read the full article here
