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Failing Europe Socialists Meet: Old Ideas, More Taxation, and Climate Lunacy – Warmongering and the Fear of Surging Right Wing Also Dominate Agenda Ahead of EU Elections



EU’s failing Socialists me in Rome, behind beefed-up police protection, to plan for the next European Elections, and to fret endlessly about the rise of the right wing in the old continent.

The meeting took place in the cordoned-off headquarters of Partito Democratico, Italy’s social democratic party, were the Socialist leaders, including illegitimate Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez and deeply unpopular German Chancellor Olaf Scholz.

The MSM notes that the meeting yielded no new solutions or strategies, because of course Socialists will insist on things that are going wrong until their dying day.

One look at these guys and we notice they are nothing but a bunch of Globalists, same as the Ursula von der Leyen ‘centre-right’ goons.

Iratxe Garcia Perez, the leader of the Socialists and Democrats in the European Parliament, spoke about the upcoming campaign.

Deutsche Welle reported:

“‘The key issue for the campaign is to defend our values, our democracy and our safety’, said Garcia ahead the party congress on Saturday. ‘That is what we are proposing to Europeans in all 27 countries: we are proposing a future based on solidarity, equality and opportunities for all’.

Socialists are leading governments in Germany, Spain, Romania and Denmark and a caretaker government in Portugal, and they are expected to remain the second-largest force in the European Parliament after the elections, which will take place in all 27 member states of the European Union in early June.”

There is just one problem: the failed, crippling socialist policies and priorities have no importance to European citizens.

‘Social justice’, ‘shared prosperity’, ‘green deal’ have fallen aside in the contemporary geopolitical landscape, where dealing with unchecked mass migration and protection of farming have become top priorities.

There is, of course, the question of Ukraine, that is generating calls for a shift in priorities to finance the war through cuts in ‘social spending’.

“‘Public support to pay the bill for defense is fragile’, said Marcel Schlepper, an economist and defense policy expert at the Ifo institute, a Munich-based research institution. Together with fellow researchers, he recently published a policy paper on the topic. Its conclusion: While Europeans are generally aware of the need for higher defense spending, their attitude changes when it comes to their own country’s contribution.

‘At the moment, it’s only four countries in Europe’, including Sweden, Bulgaria, Germany and non-EU member Norway, where more than 50% of the people are in favor of their own government spending more on defense, Schlepper told DW. But, he added, the real question people are avoiding is, ‘are you willing to give up spending on other areas or are you willing to pay higher taxes?’”

To deal with this Globalist budgetary problem, some Socialists defend issuing new debt and – surprise! – introduce higher taxes for high income salaries.

Other think the sky-high social spending has to play some role in financing defense.

During the meeting, the Party of European Socialists (PES) has elected Nicolas Schmit, European Commissioner for jobs and social rights, as its lead candidate for the EU elections.

The 70-year-old politician from Luxembourg was the only name put forward, in a very ‘democratic’ and ‘socialist’ way.

Euronews reported:

“‘We will not allow that Europe will take the path of austerity and social repression as it did during the financial crisis. This is the main argument, this why we want to win these elections, together, in all 27 member states’, Schmit told the audience at La Nuvola, on the outskirts of Rome, as he took the stage surrounded by young activists.

‘I want voters to know that social democrats will keep fighting for all citizens and will respect their commitments and promises’.”

Schmit will face off against his boss, Ursula von der Leyen, the lead candidate of the centre-right European People’s Party (EPP) – the two sides of the same Globalist coin.

“Speaking before the PES top ranks, including Germany’s Olaf Scholz, Spain’s Pedro Sánchez, Portugal’s António Costa and Denmark’s Mette Frederiksen, the anointed candidate attempted to build his power base and vowed to defend the party’s core values and priorities: labour rights, gender equality, climate action and social justice.

‘We are the movement that fights against precariousness, especially the lives and jobs of young people’, he said. ‘We will fight for the Green Deal with a red heart’.”


Read the full article here
