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Tapper: Republicans Seize!



When a story doesn’t fit the narrative, then it’s time to look for Republicans pouncing or seizing on an issue to take advantage of it politically. 

The issue is never the issue. The issue is always “Republicans are bad, and some are even orange.”

As the country has been flooded by, among others, criminals and gangs who apparently and rightly view much of our country as virgin territory to exploit, the MSM and the Left have spent endless hours on how cruelly Republicans have exploited the border crisis and the illegal aliens for political purposes. 

Now that Democrats are starting to wince at the pain being caused, the Biden Administration is blaming Republicans for the open border, and the MSM is chastizing Republicans for pointing out how badly Americans are being treated by our “guests.”

In recent weeks the number of high-profile crimes committed by illegals seems to have skyrocketed. Assaults on policemen, organized retail theft gangs, child sexual exploitation, and murders of young women. 

Jake Tapper seems to be bothered by the fact that Republicans are “seizing” on these high-profile crimes and exploiting them for political effect. 

First of all, Republicans are seizing on nothing. We have been banging away on this issue for years and have been viciously criticized. Donald Trump spent the entire 2016 campaign on this issue, and during his presidency, he was vilified for being cruel. Republicans have been consistent in pointing to the problems and even impeached Secretary Mayorkas because he has been derelict in his duty. 

There is no “seizing” going on. What the MSM hates is that Republicans are being proven right. 

Yeah, well, “we told you so” is hardly enough. Republicans have been trying to prevent this, not exploit it. The Democrats’ 11th-hour, half-hearted and temporary conversion on the issue is pathetic, as is the “Republicans seize” narrative. 

It’s hard to blame Tapper for using this language, though. On his show, he acknowledged that there was a problem with violent illegals.  Republicans is just as natural as breathing for people in the MSM, who apparently are constitutionally incapable of seeing the world in any other way. 

“Republicans pounce” or “Republicans seize” are likely unconsciously uttered. It is like a tic of which everybody in Washington and New York is no longer aware. Saying these things began as a strategy to point the finger at Republicans and shield Democrats. Still, the practice is so ingrained that they probably don’t even notice saying it anymore. 

Attacking Republicans for everything is as much a reflex as Dr. Strangelove giving the Nazi salute. It is so ingrained that doing so is a habit that is hard to break. 

I almost feel bad for taking a swipe at Tapper. He works in an environment where NOT attacking Republicans for anything bad is almost unheard of. 

Read the full article here
