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New York Post Previews ‘Blood Money’: Peter Schweizer Exposes China’s ‘Control from Start to Finish’ of U.S. Fentanyl Trade



China’s involvement in the fentanyl crisis “can be found in every stage of the poison’s spread in North America,” bestselling investigative journalist Peter Schweizer explains in an excerpt from his new book Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans.

Schweizer, who is the president of the Government Accountability Institute and a Breitbart News senior contributor, describes China’s weaponization of fentanyl in an exclusive excerpt of Blood Money for the New York Post.

“While we debate domestic politics to address the fentanyl crisis, the reality is that Beijing is deeply involved at every stage of the drug’s production and distribution in the United States,” Schweizer writes, noting that in 2019 the U.S. Department of Homeland Security asked for fentanyl to be classified as a “weapon of mass destruction.”

China’s production of the precursor chemicals necessary to make fentanyl is well known, but Schweizer’s book reveals the communist regime’s involvement in the full production, distribution, and even financing of the drug’s trafficking in North America.

“Based on leaked US national security documents, Mexican government hacked emails or correspondence, and Chinese corporate records, we know that the fentanyl operation is under Chinese control from start to finish,” Schweizer writes.

The Blood Money author breaks down his findings into five bullet point subsections detailing China’s fentanyl involvement:

* Production of the basic chemicals needed to make it

* Creation of fentanyl and counterfeit pills in both Mexico and the United States

* Distribution of the deadly drug within the United States

* Facilitation of drug cartel financial transactions, and even money laundering

* Facilitation of communications networks used by the cartels to operate without detection in the United States.

Schweizer’s findings reveal the close relationship between Chinese organized crime syndicates, or triads, and Mexican drug cartels, as well as the role of Chinese banks in helping to launder the money from the drug trade.

Read the full New York Post excerpt here.

Schweizer is a seven-time New York Times bestselling author whose past books have sparked FBI investigations, led to the resignation of members of Congress, and has been the driving force behind bipartisan congressional anti-corruption reform laws.

Politico exclusively reported that Blood Money will reveal China’s “Disintegration Warfare” plans to kill Americans and sow social chaos and show a pattern of U.S.—China money flows, which Schweizer and his team of forensic investigators reportedly spent two years tracking.

The book cover features California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D), Dr. Anthony Fauci, Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA), Neville Roy Singham, President Joe Biden, Chinese Communist Party Leader Xi Jinping, and Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), as well as images of drugs, guns, and stacks of cash.

Blood Money: Why the Powerful Turn a Blind Eye While China Kills Americans, published by HarperCollins, comes out on February 27 and is available now for pre-order.

Read the full article here
