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‘The Supreme Court Blocked It, But That Didn’t Stop Me,’ Biden Declares After Unilaterally Canceling Student Loan Debt



Puppet President Joe Biden on Wednesday declared $1.2 billion in student loan debt forgiveness, and is now brazenly acknowledging he sidestepped the US Supreme Court in doing so.

“Early in my term I announced a major plan to provide millions of working families with debt relief for their college debt,” Biden told reporters in Culver City, California, going on to admit the nation’s highest court had previously ruled against his plan.

“Tens of millions of people in debt were literally about to be cancelled, their debts. But my MAGA Republican friends in the Congress, elected officials and special interests stepped in and sued us and the Supreme Court blocked it. But that didn’t stop me.”

The new round of debt forgiveness reportedly brings Biden’s total debt cancellation to $138 billion, with SCOTUS voting 6-3 to overturn his initial proposal of canceling up to $400 billion.

Biden’s circumvention of the judicial branch of government was roundly criticized on social media, with some pointing out the so-called “debt forgiveness” merely saddles future generations with the debt.

Others also accused Biden of a transparent ploy to buy votes ahead of the 2024 presidential election in November.

So much for Democrats’ mantra that “No one is above the law.”

Will the Biden administration’s contempt for the decisions issued by the Supreme Court come back to bite them in the ass?

Read the full article here
