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Biden: Republican Lawmakers are Worse than Strom Thurmond



President Biden is in California raising money for his re-election campaign. He delivered a speech at an event in San Francisco on Wednesday. 

One remark that President Unity made is particularly telling. Once again Joe Biden proves that Democrats always accuse Republicans of what it is that they are doing. In this case, Joe Biden reached back to the days of his old friend Strom Thurmond. He claimed that Republicans in Congress are “worse” than the now-deceased former Senator Thurmond. 

The nerve of this demented old man. 

 “I’ve been a senator since ’72. I’ve served with real racists. I’ve served with Strom Thurmond,” Biden said at a fundraiser in San Francisco, according to a White House pool report.

“But guess what? These guys are worse. These guys do not believe in basic democratic principles,” the president continued.

Biden said Thurmond did “terrible things,” but “at least you could work with some of these guys,” adding: “Time and again Republicans show they are the party of chaos and division.”

Biden is angry that Speaker Johnson won’t play ball with the Senate foreign aid bill. Johnson refused to take it up in the House before the congressional break. Joe Biden (who has taken 40% of his term on vacation) has been on a tear that the House took its two-week break without taking up the bill. 

That’s pretty rich for a president who spends as little time at the White House as possible. It’s not like anything is going on in the world, right? 

Biden tried to blame the death of the Russian dissident Alexei Navalny on the refusal of Republicans to pass the Senate bill. He tried to make a connection between American aid to Ukraine and the murder of Navalny. It’s an apples-to-oranges comparison and deeply cynical.

He said congressional Republicans are “making a big mistake” by not passing the bill. White House reporters are happy to play wingmen for Biden.

Biden, returning to the White House on Monday, was asked by a reporter if he’d go so far as to say House Republicans had Navalny’s “blood on their hands” amid their opposition to funding for the war-torn nation as Russia’s invasion enters its third year.

“No, I wouldn’t use that term,” the president responded. “They’re making a big mistake not responding.”

Biden continued, “Look, the way they’re walking away from the threat of Russia, the way they’re walking away from NATO, the way they’re walking away from leaving our obligations, it’s just shocking … I’ve never seen anything like this.”

“Blood on their hands?” Are you kidding me? 

It is reported that Johnson’s office and Biden are willing to meet to discuss the issue. There is no indication that Johnson will call the House back into session early. 

There is a rich irony in this obnoxious story. Joe Biden got sideways with other Democrat candidates in the 2020 presidential primary cycle when he talked about his friendship with Senator Strom Thurmond. 

Thurmond was a former Governor of South Carolina and a Democrat until 1964 when he joined the Republican Party. 

Joe Biden is a racist old man. Back in 2012, when he and Obama were running for re-election, he told a predominantly black audience that Mitt Romney wanted to put them back in chains. He made up a weird story about someone named Corn Pop during the 2020 election. Biden lies about his life story, including talking about being on the front lines of the Civil Rights Movement, which is laughable. He lies when he talks about being arrested for supporting Nelson Mandela in South Africa. In 1977 he was against integrating schools. He said it would create racial jungles. Biden showed up for a photo op with a black family (the father is a recipient of Biden’s student loan forgiveness program) in North Carolina earlier this month and brought fried chicken for dinner. Biden, however, brought a hamburger for himself. Was there no watermelon for sale to bring, too? 

Jill Biden isn’t much better. She got into hot water for referring to Hispanics in San Antonio as breakfast tacos. 

It’s important to remember that Democrats accuse Republicans of what they are doing. That includes the cries of racism. 

Read the full article here
