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Johns Hopkins: Citizens Need to Be Disarmed to Protect Democracy



The “insurrection” narrative has always been absurd, but this new publication from the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health might be the most insane take I have read recently. 

Gun control is necessary, you see, to prevent armed insurrections. 

Now, I don’t know about you, but I am as frightened by the idea of an armed insurrection in the near future as I am of falling into a pit of quicksand and drowning. 

The narrative that insurrection is on the table, or that one happened on January 6th, 2021, is absurd and based on an inability to develop a sense of scale. Making assertions like this is childish. 

What happened on January 6th was a riot–a demonstration that got way out of hand. It was a very bad thing, and shameful. But if it were an insurrection, you would have expected that one of the most armed demographics–MAGA supporters–would have brought some of those AR-15s they are fond of. 

They didn’t. No F-15s or troops were required to disperse them because, well, it was a short-lived riot, not an insurrection. 

But the good folks at Johns Hopkins’ Bloomberg School of Public Health are deeply concerned that there are insurrectionists behind every tree, so they recommend serious gun control measures to prevent the Mega Mean MAGA-types from overrunning the federal government. 

The growing presence of firearms in political spaces in the United States endangers public health,  safety, and the functioning of democracy. Far from being an outlier, the January 6th insurrection at the United States Capitol was part of a long line of events in which individuals have sought to use political losses to justify violence or threats of violence to disrupt our government and limit civic engagement. These attacks on our nation and democratic institutions are preventable, but not without taking purposeful action.

This report is both an examination and a warning of the threat that armed insurrectionism poses to democracy in the United States. It also counters the false narrative that the Constitution creates rights to insurrection and the unchecked public carry of firearms, and rejects the notion that violence has any place in our nation’s politics. The report concludes with recommended policy and practice solutions that policymakers and advocates can use to address the dangers of armed insurrectionism.

You may be wondering why a school of public health is weighing in on how to save democracy–after all, they haven’t mastered the basics of getting pandemic policy remotely close to rational. But really…by now, don’t you understand that words like “health” have flexible meanings, and “public health” really means “getting the public policies I want.”

I am old enough to remember that rioting was an important component of public health because viruses don’t infect Left-wingers burning down cities. 

You may have noticed the name of Johns Hopkins’ public health school: Bloomberg. 

Yes, that is the same Michael Bloomberg who spends zillions on promoting gun control and who spent his time as Mayor of New York City regulating the size of sodas. 

So, in this case, “public health” means what Bloomberg pays for it to say. 

It is absolutely impossible to have a rational conversation until the parties involved can agree on the terms of the debate. If “misgendering” is genocide, riots are insurrections, or disagreeing is “stochastic terrorism,” there is little point to beginning a conversation. 

You can’t argue with propagandists. It’s like wrestling with pigs; you get covered in mud and excrement, and they enjoy the process. 

I would be willing to sit down with a gun control advocate and discuss the pros and cons of various policies, what the 2nd Amendment says and why it was put in the Constitution, and look for common ground on how to cut down violence–if an honest conversation could be had. 

But when dealing with people who begin with a bad-faith argument, what’s the point? 

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Read the full article here
