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Biden Administration Funding Research Into Edible Bugs Raised on Landfill Refuse



I thought edible insects were a pretty disgusting concept, but obviously my mind needs to be more flexible to keep up with what federal government bureaucrats are thinking about the future of food. 

“Sustainability” is the watchword of the watermelons who rule over us and their shock troops. And nothing is more sustainable, apparently, than taking our trash, feeding it to crickets, and then turning those crickets into food. 

Soylent Green, it turns out, isn’t people. It’s made up of bugs. 

The Daily Caller has the story, and it is about as disgusting as you might imagine. Our gracious overlords, who are closing down farms across the world in order to save Gaia, want the Western world to adopt the diets of gorillas who pick the lice off of each other–only with a slightly modern twist. 

The United States Department of Agriculture (USDA) began funding research into trash-fed crickets as an alternative to conventional and “unsustainable” protein production in July 2023, a federal grant listing shows.

The $130,000 grant supports research that “addresses the need for more cost-efficient production of crickets as a sustainable protein source,” according to the listing. Specifically, the grant will support research into using municipal landfill waste to feed crickets that will later be harvested for human consumption.

USDA awarded the grant to Mighty Cricket Inc., a private firm that sells cricket flour, cricket protein powder and cricket oatmeal. The agency believes that using landfill waste to feed crickets could help the firm “procure cricket feed at lower cost than what is available on the market,” leading to savings that could then be passed along to the consumer.

I wonder if trash-grown cricket protein is on the menu at the White House. I am certain that when Emmanuel Macron comes to visit, he will no doubt enjoy his state dinner’s servings of cricket croissants. The butter will be made with cockroach milk, perhaps. 

I’ve long thought that one of the most brilliant PR moves of the Left is their choice to promote the most absurd, disgusting, and degenerate ideas. That may sound counterproductive, but actually it is not. The more disgusting and degenerate the idea, the fewer people who don’t follow an issue closely will believe our criticisms of the Left. 

We sound nutty saying “the Elite wants you to eat bugs.” I mean, come on…if you didn’t follow this stuff closely you wouldn’t believe it either. It sounds as sane as claiming Bill Clinton got sexual technique tips from green aliens, right? 

Porn in schools? What rational person would believe it until they see it for themselves? Much of my family doesn’t believe me when I say it, and they think I am pretty smart. It sounds so absurd that people dismiss it. 

Same with the Elites wanting us to eat bugs. Who would close down farms, start up insect breeding facilities, and feed the crickets trash, then put the insects into food?

Your federal government, that is who. 

“Conventional protein production poses a substantial strain on the ecosystem, requiring unsustainable quantities of water, land, and feed as inputs,” the grant description reads. The grant description also calls “conventional” farming a “significant source of greenhouse gas emissions.”

The grant listing claims that the demand for bug protein has increased in recent years due to “public awareness of the need for more sustainable food sources.”

“To sustain the world’s growing population, food production practices need to dramatically shift towards resource conservation,” the grant continues. Bug farming is “one solution” to that problem, according to the USDA grant description.

The government is using our tax dollars, which you must pay on pain of imprisonment, in order to study feeding you trash-fed crickets for dinner. 

That’s not a weird conspiracy theory. That is simply a fact. 


Read the full article here
