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Never Trump Advisor Begs Democrats to Call Biden a Great President



A former Republican strategist is advising his fellow Democrats to use a specific talking point. Democrats should say that Joe Biden is a great president. No, really.

Stuart Stevens used to be a Republican when the status quo Establishment Republicans dominated the party. He made a living off Republican politicians and their campaigns. When Trump took over the Republican Party in 2015 and won the 2016 election, Stevens joined other obsolete consultants and advisers as a member of the Lincoln Project. Instead of finding a place in a more populist Republican Party, the Lincoln Project grifters joined with Democrats to defeat Republicans, most importantly, Trump. 

Stevens has written books on Trump and makes appearances on MSNBC. Maybe he can advise Liz Cheney on her potential presidential run. She teased that she still thinks about running for president on a Sunday show. She claims to still be a Republican yet she, too, is being supported by Democrats. Oh well. 

So now the bright idea offered by Stevens is to gaslight voters by calling Biden a great president. Only the people on the Biden campaign payroll and in the Biden White House believe that nonsense. Newsflash – Democrats don’t want Biden to run again. They don’t want another Biden-Trump match-up in the presidential election in November. 

“A plea to my Democratic friends: It’s time to start calling Joe Biden a great president. Not a good one. Not a better choice than Donald Trump. Joe Biden is a historically great president. Say it with passion backed by the conviction that it’s true,” he wrote in an op-ed for the New Republic. 

Stevens called on Democrats to frame the election as more than a choice between a “normal, stable president” and an “erratic thug.” 

“Don’t go into 2024 with the game plan to win because Donald Trump is an existential threat to democracy. That’s true, he is, but that’s only making the case that Donald Trump shouldn’t be president. It’s not the reason Joe Biden should be reelected,” Stevens continued.

How sad. There is nothing normal and stable about President Dementia. He is in a steep mental decline. He is feeble physically. We see it with our own eyes. Biden is incapable of delivering remarks without mumbling and stumbling between a teleprompter and his notecards. 

Stevens wrote that Biden met the moment and now Democrats must show gratitude. For what? Biden has no successes to run on so now Democrats and their former Republican supporters have to re-write history. Biden spent his way into a historic inflationary disaster. Democrats tout a falling unemployment rate and inflation numbers but it hasn’t made any changes in how everyday Americans struggle to make ends meet. In Joe Biden’s America, 60% of Americans are living paycheck to paycheck. 

Americans vote their pocketbooks. Joe Biden has a 39% approval rating. No one is singing Happy Days Are Here Again. 

Biden has a lifetime history of bad policy decisions. Remember Bob Gates stating that Biden is historically wrong on everything? Barack Obama warned to not underestimate Biden’s ability to eff everything up. That is a bi-partisan show in sending up red flags against the career politician.

Joe Biden has been the most divisive president in many years. The guy who ran on being an uniter, a person capable of working with both sides of the aisle, has been an utter failure. The reason Biden ran in 2020 was solely to defeat Trump. He didn’t have new initiatives in mind or a policy agenda. All he did was move into the White House and immediately take a sharp turn left. He is completely beholden to the progressive wing of the party. 

A new report was released from the Presidential Greatness Project. It is a survey that ranks presidents according to greatness. The survey is conducted by self-described experts. Who is the greatest president? Abraham Lincoln.

Lincoln topped the list of presidents in the 2024 Presidential Greatness Project expert survey for the third time, following his top spot in the rankings in the 2015 and 2018 versions of the survey.

According to a release from the Presidential Greatness Project, the 154 respondents to the survey included “current and recent members of the Presidents & Executive Politics Section of the American Political Science Association, which touts itself as the foremost organization of social science experts in presidential politics, as well as scholars who have recently published peer-reviewed academic research in key related scholarly journals or academic presses.”

Guess who is the very last person on the list? Yep. Donald Trump. The people behind the survey admit that the political partisan divide so prevalent in politics today affects survey results. In such a small sampling, only 154 respondents, it’s easy to see how that happens.

Presidents are ranked on a scale of 0-100. The grade of 0 represents a failure, 50 is average, and 100 is great. After Lincoln, the top five are Franklin Delano Roosevelt, George Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, and Thomas Jefferson. 

If we weren’t such a politically divided nation, would Washington be ranked as number one? Seems likely to me. YMMV. Lincoln brings up images of the Civil War. Our divided country is often said to be on the brink of a new Civil War. President Unity has not calmed the American electorate. He fans the flames of discontent and blames Trump for divisive behavior. 

Trump ranks last. He was joined by James Buchanan, Andrew Johnson, Franklin Pierce, and William Henry Harrison. 

Ronald Reagan, George W. Bush, and Trump were ranked higher by Republican and conservative participants. The same partisanship was true with Democrat participants – they ranked Obama and Biden highest.

Biden, by the way, landed at number 14 in the survey. Color me skeptical about the results of the survey. We’ll see in November if voters choose number 14 or the guy at the bottom of the list. 

Read the full article here
