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Social Credit Score Hits UK: Bank Accounts Of BREXIT Leader Nigel Farage SHUT DOWN, Says May Flee Country



Popular pro-BREXIT UK politician Nigel Farage, a friend of Infowars and frequent guest on The Alex Jones Show, has had his bank accounts forcibly closed without explanation by authoritarian British banks.

In a Twitter post on Thursday, Farage claimed the UK is trying to “force” him out of the country and called the action “serious political persecution.”

“If they can do it to me, they can do it to you too,” Farage said.

The former parliament member told his followers he’d had an account with the same bank since the year 1980 before it was recently closed.

If he’s unable to fix the situation, Farage said he may decide to leave the UK altogether as he cannot function without a proper way to handle his finances.

Twitter user Wall Street Silver noted this is the beginning of a “social credit score system” being implemented in Britain and noted eight banks have refused to let Farage open a new bank account.

Learn more about Farage’s battle for freedom in his latest article below:

If the people allow controversial citizens to have their rights illegally stripped away, the authoritarians in charge will quickly move to oppressing the average person.

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