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UK banking system denying service to Nigel Farage to unperson him



Nigel Farage led the successful fight for Brexit, making him a very unpopular man with the British Establishment.

A man of some means–he used to be in the financial sector–he got into politics and became a vocal leader of the Euroskeptic movement. He opposed joining the EU and became a member of the EU Parliament in order to fight it from within. He founded the UK Independence Party, and through sheer bloody-mindedness, he managed to convince his fellow countrymen to exit the corrupt institution.

He is now a broadcaster at GB News, an even more conservative broadcaster than Rupert Murdoch’s SKY News.

As you can imagine, the transnational elite really REALLY doesn’t like him. They hate him with the passion of a thousand burning suns.

Well, the Empire is striking back, and doing so in a way that may drive Farage out of Great Britain.

Farage is being denied banking services in his country, and nobody is willing to tell him why. After over 40 years with his current bank, they have informed him that his business is no longer desired, and no other bank will take his accounts.

In today’s modern world where money is more notional than real–everything moves around in bits, not pieces of paper or bars of gold–it is nearly impossible to live a modern life without a bank account to make transactions. We use cards to pay for things, get paid through bank transfers (even checks are bank transfers), and establish credit through banking institutions. It may not be impossible to live without a bank account of some kind, but doing so is extremely onerous.

And doing so as a person of means is likely impossible. The Unabomber can do it. A millionaire? Hard to see how. Even a middle-class life is nearly impossible without a bank account. It’s like being a world traveler without an ID or passport.

Nobody will tell Farage what the problem is, and apparently, nobody has to. Farage has some theories about what justification they will use if they ever get around to provide one, but it is pure speculation. The real reason is very clear in any case.

His social credit score is negative. He is of the wrong sort.

Some people may argue that the banks are private corporations, and hence should have the right to do business with whomever they choose.

This, however, is a complete farce of an answer. Modern banks are as “private” as the Federal Reserve is separate from the government–only in the most technical sense. They are creatures of the state, highly regulated, and often explicitly dependent upon state support. Their independence is largely fiction.

I would be surprised if somebody in the State told the banks to make Farage a non-person, but I would be more surprised if the banks chose to do so without implicit permission to do so. A “gentlemen’s agreement,” so to speak. I think we can rest assured that Rishi Sunak’s accounts are not in danger of being closed.

Western central banks are pushing to convert all currency into digital currency, eventually closing the cash “loophole” where people can freely exchange money without the permission of the government. When digital currency comes to fruition, the government will be able to determine who can and cannot conduct business, and what you may or may not buy and sell.

By this I don’t just mean that some things will be legal and illegal–that is already the case, obviously–but rather what you, specifically, can and cannot do. Things your neighbor can do may be denied you, based upon the whims of the government.

De-banking is simply the first step along this path, and Farage is experiencing what the Canadian truckers and their supporters did during the protests. The government arbitrarily decides that it doesn’t like you and freezes you out of your assets. It is a very powerful method of social control.

Don’t expect any of this to stop here. Nigel Farage is a very prominent and powerful man. If they can do this to him, they can do it to anybody they don’t like.

Welcome to the world of social credit.

Read the full article here
