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Polls: Biden’s Migration Wrecks ‘Nation of Immigrants’ Narrative



President Joe Biden’s easy-migration policies have slashed Americans’ acceptance of the elite-imposed “Nation of Immigrants” narrative.

Forty-eight percent of Americans believe that Biden’s 5 million southern migrants will make American society “worse in the long run,” according to a CBS poll conducted January 3-5.

Just 22 percent of Americans — but 44 percent of liberals — believe the migration will make American society better.

Those numbers are echoed in prior polls by YouGov.

“I think a lot of the [pro-]immigration people figure, ‘Well, this [public mood] will pass,’” Mark Krikorian, director of the Center for Immigration Studies, told Breitbart News, adding:

But this [migration] is so bad, this is so unprecedented, that I think it’s entirely possible it will change the way a lot of people think about immigration for many years in the future.

The CBS report shows that a majority of Americans also believe that Biden’s choice to maximize immigration is threatening to Americans and their culture.

Fifty-two percent say Biden’s border is a crisis because it imposes “changes to U.S. culture and people.”

The mainstream 52 percent total includes 64 percent of conservatives, 49 percent of independents, 57 percent of blacks, and 47 percent of Hispanics.

Other polls show that more Americans are willing to openly describe Biden’s mass illegal migration as a government-sponsored “invasion.”

Biden’s migration has imported one migrant for every two Americans born during the last three years.

Fifty-four percent of respondents told an NPR poll in August 2022 that the migration is an “invasion.”

A January 2023 poll by Rasmussen showed that 65 percent of respondents endorsed the ‘invasion” term. The 65 percent includes 43 percent who describe the term as “very accurate.”

The “very accurate” description is endorsed by 43 percent of women, 33 percent of blacks, 28 percent of Democrats, 15 percent of liberals, and 36 percent of people with post-graduate degrees.

The polls show a growing rejection of the “Nation of Immigrants” narrative that was created and pushed by pro-migration groups in the early 1960s. The narrative says the United States needs migration to be prosperous.

But the elite-funded, K-12-enforced narrative was invented to help the 1925 law that had minimized migration — much to the benefit of the new American middle class in the years after World War 2.

The narrative was marketed by elites as both a moral cause and a Cold War strategy.

So the federal government restarted immigration in 1965, doubled it in 1990, and lifted border curbs in 2021. One result is that the American middle class has lost enormous wealth, status, and power to investors on Wall Street.

Under Biden, the current wave of migration is being engineered by his pro-migration border security chief, Alejandro Mayorkas. He is strongly backed by investor groups, including, which is Mark Zuckerberg’s advocacy group for investors.

The Biden shift in public opinion is especially noteworthy because establishment media, investors, and Democrats are eager to impose a “conspiracy theory” stigma on Americans who worry that migrants will sideline them, their children, and their culture. For example, a Washington Post columnist wrote on October 27:

Rep. Mike Johnson, the newly elected House speaker, has repeatedly flirted with what’s known as the “great replacement theory,” the idea that Democrats are scheming to supplant American voters with immigrants. The Louisiana Republican’s views show how fringe conspiracy theories have gone mainstream in the Republican Party at the highest levels of power.

The growing opposition to the narrative has been boosted by the shocking display of antisemitism among immigrants that has spread to U.S. progressives. In an October poll, 52 percent of Jewish people in New York described immigration as a burden.

But there is vast evidence that Democrats and business groups are using the federal government’s migration policy to displace and replace Americans in high-0pportunity coastal cities and Fortune 500 jobs.

For example, “Massachusetts experienced a net outflow of 39,149 people to other states and a net inflow of 50,647 people from other countries,” in the year up to July 2023, reported on January 8.

The replacement of Americans in Massachusetts is accelerated by the rising cost of housing because migrants will accept worse housing conditions. The LowellSun posted:

Many younger professionals and other workers have opted to transfer their skills elsewhere due to unaffordable housing costs. The state’s high cost of living would also likely factor into moving for family considerations, lifestyle and especially retirement.

Unsurprisingly, Mayorkas’s actions are also smashing Biden’s poll ratings. The CBS survey showed that Biden’s policy has the support of 30 percent of Americans — and opposition from 70 percent.

The 70 percent opposition includes 74 percent of whites, 58 percent of blacks, 68 percent of Hispanics, 40 percent of Democrats, and 56 percent of under-39s.

But 58 percent of liberals favor the policy, which has imported more than 5 million illegals in three years, so spiking housing costs and inflation while shrinking wages and high-tech investment.

Sixty-three percent say Biden should be “tougher on immigrants trying to cross the border.” Just 16 percent said he should be “easier on immigrants trying to cross the border.”

“Joe Biden is … now moving the public in a way that immigration hawks have never really been able to do,” said Krikorian. He continued:

Not because the border control wasn’t broadly popular — It was. But it wasn’t all that important and the problem didn’t look all that bad. One of the reasons Trump didn’t run on immigration [in 2020] was because most people figured he took care of it so there’s no problem anymore. Well, that’s not the case now.

“I think it definitely will mark a long-term rethinking of mass immigration on the part of a lot of people,” he added.

Extraction Migration

Biden has imported or accepted roughly 5 million illegal migrants for economic purposes in less than three years.

That Extraction Migration economic strategy has helped investors by inflating real estate prices and reducing Americans’ wages.

That flood is urged and welcomed by business groups because it cuts Americans’ blue-collar wages and white-collar salaries. It also reduces marketplace pressure to invest in productivity-boosting technology, heartland states, and overseas markets. and it reduces economic pressure on the federal government to deal with the drug and “Deaths of Despair” crises.

Biden’s easy-migration policies are deliberately adding the foreigners’ problems to the lengthening list of Americans’ problems — homelessness, low wages, a shrinking middle class, slowing innovation, declining blue-collar life expectancy, spreading poverty, the rising death toll from drugs, and the spreading alienation among young people.

Read the full article here
