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What is a “bonus hole?”



The 2020s are a stupid time to be alive.

Jo’s Cervical Cancer Trust, which bills itself as the UK’s leading cervical cancer charity, has joined the movement to provide glossaries that explain the ever-changing vocabulary one must use when speaking with or about the alphabet mafia.

And, as usual, speaking about alphabet people requires redefining words for all people. The vocabulary isn’t being expanded to accommodate new concepts or things, but rather everything is redefined for everybody. To appropriate a term from the cultural Marxists, language is being “colonized” and the culture we have been living with is being replaced by a new, radical, and profoundly sick one.

I’ve written a few times about how the terms we are required to use when speaking about anything sex- or gender-related are constantly changing, and why that is the case. It is to keep us on our heels and, in many cases, to humiliate us. We are placed in a subordinate position where we must constantly ask permission for what words to use, and be in constant danger of having committed “violence” for not having chosen the right word to show appropriate respect to the alphabet gods.

This isn’t about tolerance and respect for people who are slightly different; this is about demanding obeisance lest you be canceled.

Jo’s has published its version of the glossary, and a new term has popped up with, appropriately, a particularly demeaning term for a woman’s body part.

Remember–this is a charity with the mission to help women prevent and deal with cancer–cervical cancer–and they have found one of the more demeaning words possible to describe a woman’s vagina.

“Bonus hole.” A doctor will check you for cervical cancer through your “bonus hole.”

I am reasonably certain that if Gallup did a poll of 100,000 women, not a single one would spontaneously come up with the phrase “bonus hole” to describe that particular body part, especially in the context of a medical procedure.

Nor, I suspect, would it inspire confidence in a person to have one’s doctor start describing their procedure for cervical cancer screening by using the term “bonus hole.”

Not to put too fine a point on it, but if you are a woman, a vagina is not a “bonus;” it is a normal part of the human body.

There are so many things wrong with this, not the least of which is the implication that women are simply a deviation from the standard male anatomy, defined by having an extra orifice. Are women “penis deficient” as well?

Fear not, friends, if you object to “bonus hole” you can substitute the more euphonious “front hole” without losing clarity. Your doctor will understand that too.

Of note that with one exception–intersex–every other term in the glossary has to do with addressing people’s self-perception, not anything in the physical world. Meaning that literally every single term in the glossary referring to anything biological implies that women’s anatomy is deviant.

This comes from a charity whose very existence is supposed to support the health of women.

The alphabet movement presents little challenge to the status of men, except in cases where they come after you for not buckling to the social pressure. A woman who wishes to use the men’s room presents no physical threat to us; a woman in men’s sports is unlikely to challenge a male athlete’s likelihood of victory; in general the social status of men is in no danger from the “invasion” of women who want to be men.

We may not like it, but it isn’t threatening.

Women, though, are another matter. Men are invading their spaces, and women have reason to fear and resent the intrusion. Due to physical differences, women are in general more vulnerable than men and at a physical disadvantage in sports. A woman is right when she is made nervous by men invading their private spaces.

Yet even organizations that are aimed at women are degrading them in the service of alphabet ideology. Reducing a woman’s unique biology to a deviance from that of men’s is grotesque.

A vagina is not a “bonus hole” or “front hole;” it is a body part unique to women, and women deserve to have their own bodies not be described in such a way.


Read the full article here
