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Steve Kirsch During PA State Senate Hearing : “We Can’t Find an Autistic Kid Who Was Unvaccinated” Within Amish Community (VIDEO)



Steve Kirsch at PA State Senate hearing (Source: Vigilant Fox/Twitter)

In a recent Pennsylvania State Senate hearing on June 9, 2023, Silicon Valley philanthropist and technology entrepreneur Steve Kirsch posed a serious challenge to long-held beliefs on vaccinations and their impact on public health.

During his testimony, he made a remarkable assertion: “We can’t find an autistic kid who was unvaccinated.”

In a detailed account, Kirsch spoke about the potential harm vaccines may cause and highlighted the lack of comparative studies between vaccinated and unvaccinated children.

Citing a ten-year study led by Dr. Paul Thomas, which was retracted controversially, Kirsch suggested that vaccinated children were more likely to contract diseases like measles and mumps compared to those unvaccinated.

He further stated that parents who chose not to vaccinate their children should be applauded for their decision, hinting at his belief that vaccines contribute to the chronic disease epidemic in America.

The tech entrepreneur criticized the CDC for not conducting a comprehensive study comparing the health of fully vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals, even though former CDC director Judy Gerberding had promised to initiate such a study in 2005.

“In 2005, CDC director Judy Gerberding promised to do such a study. She said, yes, we should do such a study. It’s important that we do a study now, we can refine it later. And that was nearly 20 years ago,” said Kirsch.

“That study has never been done. And it will never be done because they don’t want people to know that all these vaccines have been harming people since the very beginning. There is no safe vaccine, not a single one. Not one vaccine is safe and effective. And I actually went on Twitter and I offered $2,500 to anybody who could show me such a study and nobody was able to produce such a study,” he added.

During his testimony, Kirsch drew attention to the Amish community, which he described as a largely unvaccinated population.

He claimed that the occurrence of chronic diseases, such as autism, ADD, autoimmune diseases, and epilepsy, was extremely rare among the Amish.

“The Amish are a perfect example of a large group of people who are are largely unvaccinated, and we can’t find an autistic kid who was unvaccinated,” Kirsch said.

“It’s very, very rare in the Amish community, very, very rare. You won’t find kids with ADD, autoimmune disease, PANS, [and] epilepsy. You just don’t find any of these chronic diseases in the Amish.

“And, you know, the US. the government has been studying the Amish for decades, but there’s never been a report out to the public.

“The reason, of course, is it would show that, oh, if you don’t follow our guidelines, you’re going to end up healthier… The report would be devastating to the narrative,” he added.


Kirsch further noted that the Amish community did not follow the CDC’s guidelines for handling the COVID-19 pandemic, such as lockdowns, masking, and social distancing, nor did they get vaccinated. Despite this, the Amish community’s death rate was 90 times lower than the infection fatality rate of the broader U.S. population.


Here’s the now-retracted The Control Group Data, as presented by Dr. Paul Thomas via Vigilant Fox:


Read the full article here
