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White House Admits Biden Uses A Respiratory Device After Indentations Seen On His Face



Indentations spotted on Joe Biden’s face prompted immediate questions Wednesday, with the White House having to release a statement admitting that the sitting President and probable Democratic candidate for 2024 needs to use a respiratory device to help him keep breathing when asleep.

White House deputy press secretary Andrew Bates commented that “Since 2008, the president has disclosed his history with sleep apnea in thorough medical reports,” adding “He used a CPAP machine last night, which is common for people with that history.”

While Biden’s previous medical records have shown this is the case, his latest report made no mention of it.

Biden’s 2019 medical records also revealed that he had multiple surgeries on his sinus and nasal passages.

Former White House physician turned GOP Rep. Ronny Jackson, who has repeatedly called for Biden to undergo independent health and cognitive checks, wondered what else is being hidden regarding Biden’s health.

As we highlighted earlier this week, an NBC News poll has found that 68 percent of voters, including 43 percent of Democrats, are “concerned that Joe Biden does not have the necessary mental and physical health to be president.”

Kamala Harris is hysterically laughing in the wings.

Meanwhile, Biden was seen barely holding it together Wednesday, snapping and yelling at a reporter who asked a question about the alleged shake down of a Chinese businessman by the Bidens:

He’s also confident Ukraine can win the War in Iraq.


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